Introducing Boca Beautiful


BocaWatch is pleased to welcome the newest organization to join in the conversation for intelligent development in Boca Raton…  

It is, founded by a group of residents (all of them Boca Watch supporters) who are concerned about the building binge in the “downtown” area.  They are raising money to support likeminded groups, to inform the public, to lobby city officials, and to engage legal counsel.  So far, they have run three full-page ads in the Sun Sentinel, and there are more to come.  There will also be direct mailings, town hall meetings and other forms of outreach designed to capture the outrage that many of us feel about what is happening around us. 

Please check out their website at

BocaWatch has known from the start that we would face a long uphill battle.  So far, we have had small victories and we have surely made our presence known. 

We welcome such a new and active community group to join in the cause.

One senses with each passing day that the pro-development tide may be turning.  This is particularly true as the problems resulting from bad city planning, broken promises, and shoddy execution continues to manifest themselves.

We are happy to welcome to our ranks and hope you will join in their efforts.

A Message From BocaBeautiful….

HOW DOES BocaBeautiful USE THE DONATIONS WE RECEIVE? is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization.  All funds received are dedicated to convincing our city officials to take a more measured and beautiful approach to downtown development.  This involves informing the public through direct mailings, full-page newspaper advertisements and other media about construction projects planned or underway, being strong advocates at City Council meetings and other public venues, educating the pubic on the development positions of various candidates running for public office, ensuring that the planning and zoning process is transparent and completely free from conflict of interest, arguing for much needed traffic and parking improvements, and retaining the best legal counsel available to protect the interests of Boca Raton homeowners. With your help, we are starting to make a difference.  There is still time to save what is left of historic downtown Boca.


John C. Gore, President:

John is a 13-year Boca resident and lives on SE Mizner Boulevard.  He is also Chairman and CEO of Political Solutions International LLC, a consulting firm which advises a wide range of clients on government relations organization, competence, issue management and strategy.  Prior to his chairing Political Solutions International, Mr. Gore served from 1996-2002 as Group Vice President, Government and Public Affairs, for the British Petroleum Company in London.  In that capacity Mr. Gore was responsible for BP’s government and public affairs activities in over 70 countries.  He is a 1970 graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and attended Georgetown University Law School.   He is married to the former Antonia Stepovich of Fairbanks, Alaska.  His outside interests include golf, creative writing, and the arts.

Ann Witte, Vice President:

Ann has lived in Boca Raton for many years.  She is an economist, business woman and academic:  President of ADW Consultants since 1976 and a tenured Professor of Economics at UNC-Chapel Hill, Wellesley College and Florida International University.  A native Floridian and University of Florida graduate, Ann has been active in Boca Raton civic affairs for many years.  She was one of the founding members of Boca Watch, a member of Townsend Place’s Board of Directors and has made presentations at Boca’s Federation of Home Owners Associations many times. 

Barbara Stone, Treasurer:

Barbara has lived in downtown Boca Raton for the past 3½ years and prior to that lived in the nearby community of Deerfield Beach for 14 years.  She is a Florida CPA and since 1994 the Treasurer for Mackinac Savings Bank, a community bank headquartered in Boynton Beach, FL with 2 additional branches in Delray & WPB and lending offices in Farmington Hills, MI & Auburn, MA. Born in New York City, NY she moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 1973 where she attended middle school & high school.  She is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Accounting. She is a member of the Florida Institute of CPAs (Past President of the Atlantic Chapter) and a high school mentor for Take Stock in Children.

Norman Waxman, Senior Advisor

Norm and his wife have lived in Boca Raton for 4 years.  He is President of Norman Waxman LLC, a consulting firm catering to all segments of the furniture industry.  Prior to forming his consulting firm, Mr. Waxman served as President and was on the Board of numerous furniture manufacturing firms, and currently sits on the Boards of several retail furniture companies. He served as National Chair for the furniture division of the Anti Defamation League for over 20 Years and is now Chairman Emeritus. He was formerly a member of the Eastern Board of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.  He is a 1958 graduate of Clark University.  His wife of 57 years, Sondra, shares his concerns about community development issues and is also active in

Ruth Block, Senior Advisor:

Ruth has lived in Boca Raton for over 20 years.  She is a retired insurance company executive with a distinguished business career.  She was Chairman and CEO of the Equitable Variable Life Insurance Company as well as a Board member of Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette, Avon Products and BP Amoco.  She has been actively involved in civic affairs all her life and is the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni award from the Adelphi University School of Business.

Paul Borman, Senior Advisor:

Paul and his wife Marlene have lived in Florida since 1990.  Prior to retiring, Paul was the President of Borman’s Inc., which owned and managed a chain of very successful supermarkets in Michigan and other states.  Beyond creating and managing a successful supermarket business, the Bormans were very active in the Detroit area, where Paul served on the Boards of the United Foundation, the Detroit Symphony, the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Michigan, and the University of Detroit. The Bormans were also very involved in the Jewish-American community, and received awards and accolades from the Israeli government as well as prominent Jewish-American societies.


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