Response to Fake News Email


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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In an email to supporters on February 15, Susan Haynie dismissed BocaWatch as “fake news” because she thinks that any negative coverage of her policies and campaign is not newsworthy. BocaWatch is a fact driven organization run by Boca Raton residents–and that scares Susan Haynie, because neither she nor her developer friends can control–or silence BocaWatch. We will continue to honestly and accurately bring about breaking news and up-to-date information about city hall and Boca Baton politics, despite Haynie’s false and disappointing claim. We invite the Mayor (or, anyone) to challenge us on the specific facts of any of our 442 articles to-date.

What’s even more troubling here is that BocaWatch invited Haynie (and every candidate running in this election) to be interviewed by our video producers and editorial board to discuss her candidacy. Rather than defend her questionable voting record on the city council, Mayor Haynie decided to just dismiss BocaWatch as “fake news” because she knew we would challenge her on the facts.

Mayor Haynie, you continue to have an open invitation to sit down with us to discuss your campaign and the issues, but just like the November referendum on recreation, you can’t try to dismiss us as “fake news” simply because you disagree with the way we present the truth about City Hall to voters.

BocaWatch will hold you and every candidate in this election, accountable.

Jim Wood
Editor in Chief

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  1. Using nonsensical trendy terms to dismiss citizens trying to get answers is troubling. Why not try a real dialogue instead of dismissing citizens as cranks?


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