Boca Raton Wildflower Park Progress Tracking


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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This article presents some additional information regarding Wildflower Park that was revealed at the April 18, 2017 City Council Workshop Meeting. The tracker graphic included toward the end of this article has been updated accordingly. Past update articles are included for reference in Attachment 1. Following is a brief update discussion on each of the open phases.

Passive Park

The City Staff is moving forward with activities to repair the seawall and secure permission from Palm Beach County to develop a walkway under the bridge connecting Wildflower Park to Silver Palm Park. Dock alternatives are also being studied. Permits are long lead items and the staff estimates that opening Wildflower Park as a passive park will not occur before the end of 2017. The City has contracted with EDSA for the conceptual plan for the passive park design. No schedule was presented on the availability of the plan. The residents need to be provided the opportunity to weigh-in on the design of the passive park. Hopefully when EDSA has its Waterfront Study outreach around the end of June, they will also provide alternatives and solicit resident input on the Wildflower passive park design.

Land Use Change

The goal is for the City Council to approve ordinances changing the Wildflower parcel comprehensive plan map designation and zoning to recreation at the June 13 regular meeting. For the changes to occur at this meeting the issue will be reviewed by P&Z on May 18 and introduced to City Council on May 23.

Waterfront Study

The last update to the waterfront study is available in the following link.


BocaWatch will continue to track and report on the status of Wildflower Park.

Attachment 1 – Prior Wildflower Park Progress Tracking Articles

4/17/2017 – /boca-raton-wildflower-park-progress-tracking-4/

3/13/2017 – /boca-raton-wildflower-park-progress-tracking-3/

3/6/2017 – /boca-raton-wildflower-park-progress-tracking-2/

2/6/2017 – /boca-raton-wildflower-park-progress-tracking/

1/12/2017 –

12/5/2016 –

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