So the Games Have Begun: Local Election March 2018!!!


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Municipal Elections 2018 are ‘off’ already and guess who’s ‘running’?

Unbeknownst to the public, with little fanfare and a city clerk who has not posted the information on the public record, Councilman Robert Weinroth, on June 1, 2017, filed his intent to seek reelection to City Council Seat D.  For over 6 weeks now, Councilman Weinroth has been quietly soliciting support and contributions to build his campaign ‘war chest’.  Although this should be a matter of public record, the city clerk has not posted his candidacy on the City’s website nor has his 1st treasurer’s report for the month of June been published.

The treasurer, his wife Pam Weinroth, filed the June report reporting that the Councilman has already amassed contributions in excess of $16,000 (see attached June report).  A cursory review shows contributions from some of the most prolific developers in the city of Boca Raton; developers with past and present projects in front of the City Council; developers with vested interests in the outcome of the Council’s legislative action.

So as is always the case in politics, these treasurer’s campaign reports are a numerical story as to whom the candidate is talking with and from whom he is receiving favor.  ‘Follow the Money’ is the age old adage in seeking political truth…So BocaWatch will be following the money….Any candidate for elected office in the city of Boca Raton or candidate running for an office, county or state, that immediately effects the city of Boca Raton will be monitored.

BocaWatch will publish, each and every month, campaign filings to correlate the contributors to projects with vested interests in front of the body politic in an attempt to uncover the narrative ‘story’ contained within the numerical story line…. Should prove to be very interesting, don’t you think?

Attached below are the June 1st filings by Councilman Weinroth.  Of particular interest is the Treasurer’s report; a report for the period of time from June 1 to June 30, 2017, listing contributions in the amount of $16,100.  Of particular interest is that none of these contributions are loans to the campaign by the candidate nor do they appear to be from immediate Weinroth family members.  Eleven (11) of the twenty four (24) contributors are for a maximum amount of $1,000.  Many of these $1000 contributors have significant land development interests in Boca Raton.  Examples of these $1000 real estate/development contributors are:

  • Jamie Danburg, property management with significant real estate holdings in the western portion of the city and along the Congress Ave corridor;
  • Matthew Maschler, Attorney at Law, with interests in real estate development and associated with other $1000 contributors like Gemini Financial, LLC and Pre Devco LLC located at 2255 Glades Rd. in Boca Raton;
  • Dunay Miskel & Backman, Land Use Attorneys representing clients like ELAD (Mizner 200) and land owners with interests in the Mid-Town Boca development project;
  • Marc Bell, Real Estate Investor and hedge fund manager with properties in Boca Raton and other interests in restaurants and nightclubs;

Other $1000 contributors include:

  • Pinnacle Advertising, a marketing firm headed up by Peter Gary;
  • Ronnie Belletieri, a business owner with interests in Mid-Town located here in Boca Raton;
  • Evan Stahl, ($1000), Helene Fried, ($1000),  and Lewis Stahl ($1000), listed as business owners with addresses in New York and Boca Raton;

Eight (8) others are listed as $500 contributors.  Of these the  most notable are:

  • Devco Holding IV LTD ($500), One North Federal, Ltd ($500), and 131 Partners LLC ($500)…these entities are related to development company Penn Florida, headed up by Mark Genzheimer and with significant real estate development interest throughout the city including the downtown corridor;
  • Pamela Polani, Attorney at Law with address in Delray Beach, Florida;
  • Juan Caycedo, Architect ($500) a named partner in RLC Architects ($500)…Juan is a former member of the Downtown Action Committee.  His firm is responsible for, amongst other projects, the ‘Mark’…. remember the Mark!!!

Two contributor at the $250 level raise curious interest:

  • Jerry Fedele, President and CEO of Boca Raton Regional Hospital;
  • Clara Bennet, Executive Director of the Boca Raton International Airport

On the expense side of the Ledger, Councilman Weinroth has retained the services of Political Consulting LLC, a campaign consultant group headed up by Craig Agranoff with a focus on digital marketing and an association to the student body over at Florida Atlantic University.  Mr. Agranoff was involved in the Susan Haynie (mayor) and Andy Thomson (council) campaigns in 2016.

Well, that is it for now….with the campaign cycle starting this far in front of the 2018 municipal election…the countdown has begun.  Just a mere 256 days remaining….

Remember your vote is your voice; let your voice be heard in March 2018!

 Al Zucaro

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  1. Yes, it’s a sad fact that most politicians owe their allegiance to their BIG donors; and by doing so ignore the best interests of residents, and lower the ‘quality of life’ for all. Furthermore, in the process, many elected officials make a mockery of the Athenian Oath. Many politicians, as members of The League of Cities take this oath – all should. In part, the Oath is as follows: “…we will transmit this City not only, not less, but greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.”

    The City needs candidates to challenge ‘self serving’ politicians and who both understand this Oath and will abide by it.

  2. I can’t say it’s a surprise that a politician wants to be reelected. The more important issue: who is going to run against him and Rogers???


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