BocaWatch Satire: “Whistling Past the Grave Yard”


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Time and people will ‘pass’ while we, the resident, wait on the Wildflower site!

Image created by Jessica Gray.

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  1. Jessica, great cartoon. The city has no intention of spending any money on the Wildflower site. The consultant presentation was good but it was a con on the residents that think the city supports Wildflower site. They will have the city manager announce that they will spend a few dollars on other sites first and will review in 2018 their budget plans for parks. Same for 2019 and 2020. I got from a reliable source they are laughing at the people that voted for parks in the referendum all 27,354. Leif will throw the budget problems at us for next 3 years. Boca is getting $20 million from the 1 cent sales tax increase. Why not use those dollars?? Being told they are going into a trust fund. Just ask Randy. He knows what is going on. Lets face it we have a rogue shadow government controlled by developers that will build a restaurant or a 14 story condo whether we like it or not along with all the parks that they want. A restaurant at Ocean Strand,A marina at Wyman. On and on. It’s time to end this cabal.

    • Jack
      Were you at the Beach and Park meeting last Monday at Sugar Sand Park?
      The Beach and Park District owns and controls Ocean Strand. Each member said there
      will be NO restaurant on Ocean Stand.
      Look at a copy of the minutes at the meeting. There was a good turnout of people who live near Ocean Strand.
      These residents were asked to give their opinion of what they wanted done with the land. EDSA Inc who did the development presentation got the message. I am hoping you are wrong about a future restaurant there as we have spent countless hours, dollars, and people power fighting this.

  2. to Steve Sager…
    Might I suggest you cross the bridge from ocean blvd onto palmetto park.
    There are more restaurants to the point there is NO parking for them at Royal Palm
    plaza forcing us to use valet.
    Between Royal Palm Plaza and Mizner Plaza plus E. Palmetto Park Rd., if you can’t pick a good restaurant for lunch or dinner, I feel sorry for you.
    Ocean Strand should be a passive park like Red Reef Park a few lots south of Ocean Strand.
    A traffic study needs to be done for the ocean strand property… How can beach m parks even hire any independent landscape architect firm to give them usage of that property before a traffic study is fine? It’s ludicrous.


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