Al Zucaro Holds Kick-Off Rally at Juniors in Mizner Park


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Al Zucaro, Boca Raton Mayoral Candidate, had a rally last night at Juniors in Mizner Park. Residents and supporters packed side by side to listen to him discuss which issues are going to be part of his campaign.

Council Candidate Kathy Cottrell introduced Mr. Zucaro. Getting directly into the issues that will be in front of him as Mayor, Candidate Al Zucaro touched on:

  • Schools: overcrowding and safety
  • Good Governance: scrutinizing city government roles including the City Attorney
  • Traffic: Preparing for the influx of new residents that are expected from development already approved but not yet built.
  • His Opponent, Scott Singer: Beyond the obligatory contrasting of himself versus his opponent, Mr. Zucaro spent a small amount of time attacking his opponent’s record, calling him, in the speech, “Haynie-lite” which was followed by some chuckles from the crowd.

Attendees enjoyed hors d’ oeuvres and drinks while chatting with neighbors and BocaWatch contributors. You can see Jack McWalter peeking around the corner in the above photo, wearing his recognizable orange. Katie Barr was also there as well as Council Member Andrea O’ Rourke.

This will be an unusual and interesting summer, because of this special election on August 28th. Will you be in town to vote? What issues are most important to you? What questions do you think the candidates should answer? What issues should they address? Tell us in the comments below.

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  1. I hope candidate Zucaro doesn’t foreget about the environment. Boca is said to be a city in a park. We need to maintain those parks as first rate. The City also has several preserved natural areas that need funding to maintain them free from exotic vegetation and for fuel reduction management (preferably by prescribed fire for the pyric communities found there) to prevent wildfires. I would hope Mr. Zucaro stands firmly in support of this issue.

  2. Al has been fighting to keep our city a city within a park for many years! He understands the importance of preserving green space, beaches, golf courses and our parks! Al’s motto should be Our Boca, not New Boca.

    Thank you Al

  3. What is Zucaro’s stance on development/overdevelopment and in particular about development of the Town Center Mall parcels. Is he involved or does he have ties to the real estate industry?

    • Good evening Mr. Weinstein,
      In response to your inquiry, I have been very active over the past 8 years arguing against unfettered and unrestrained growth. As you know I am the publisher of BocaWatch. BocaWatch is a resident oriented information platform which has reported on many development situations in Boca Raton. My directional compass is to advocate for sustained and managed growth while respecting private property rights. Private property rights are essential in our society and owners can and must be allowed to develop their land within code with variances and deviations being the exception rather then the rule. On the “Town Center Mall parcels” of which you refer, I must assumed you mean the Midtown project. Originally the project related to a geographic area of some 300 acres with a proposed tri-rail station. That is no longer the case. City staff has begun a planning process labeled the ‘small area plan.’ Results are not due until fourth quarter this year. Until the city determines what development is desired by promulgating land development regulations, there is no vision for the residents to comment upon. City staff is working on these regulations. However, it is unlikely that any regulations will be presented to the City Council for consideration anytime soon. I am not in favor of undue prolonged delay. Delay serves no one. My intention upon becoming Mayor will be to engage a process that results in a negotiated settlement satisfactory to concerned interests; residents and land owners alike. Communication and negotiation are my preferred process. Litigation serves no purpose. P.S.: I have absolutely no ‘ties’ to the real estate or development industry. Al Zucaro, Publisher

    • Mr. Weinstein:
      Mr. Zucaro has been the cities most most advent voice against the unfettered growth brought
      to us by past city councils who have worked for themselves rather than their constituents.
      I trust you will become an informed voter before election day.

  4. Marty, Al has no ties to the real estate industry. My name is Jack Mcwalter and I am a volunteer for Boca Watch. I have been studying the Midtown issue for almost 3 years. The Boca Watch and Al are for the development of the Midtown area but nowhere near 2500 units. We had urban planners study and felt 650 units from Butts Rd to 95 was reasonable . The mall doesn’t want to be part of rezoning. Glades Mall also is out so area is very small. Maybe 70 acres. We don’t want overdevelopment which would crush traffic on military and glades area. If the developer would agree to pay for the infrastructure improvements the city and boca watch would support but won’t pay for anything. They expect the tax payers to pay for millions so they can make a billion dollars and you and I are stuck with the bill. They are so unreasonable they are suing the city for $140 million. If they would compromise the city would probably also so maybe 850 units.

  5. I would like to see the city replace Meadow’s Park Pool as soon as possible. I am upset that the Recreation Department has just now put the plan for a new pool in the ten year project. Please look into this issue and let me know what you would do as mayor to expediate the construction of a new pool.

    The residents sandwiched between Federal and Dixie, north of NE 20th street have been pleading with the city for years for landscaping, and the “clean up” of Dixie. Very important facets are also to limit the neighborhood’s exposures to Dixie and Federal by limiting access to them, prevents crime and speeding cut throughs by drivers who seek to avoid the traffic on Federal.
    When the above has been implemented in other cities, such as West Palm, Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Sunrise, the results are all positive.
    Also, these neighborhoods have been begging for much stricter and consistent code enforcement as “investors” gobbled up many properties during the recession and have turned them into college dorms, sometimes housing as many as 10 students! Too often these properties are in deplorable condition breaking many of the city’s ordinances accompanied by vehicles all over the lawns, condoms on neighbor’s lawns, fights, etc.
    The proliferation of Sober Homes in this area has also contributed to lack of community cohesion, crime, code violations, and rundown properties, and people having fear in their own homes! This area is NOW one of the most crime ridden in the city because the city REFUSES to do what is necessary to protect these residents.

    It doesn’t take years to put in action some very simple and legal plans to change things for the better in the above neighborhoods!
    All of the above do nothing but lower the quality of life for the residents, not to mention the value of their property and violate THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of “Peace and Tranquility”
    Al has shared with me his intention to create districts in the city which would give all areas of Boca a much more equal voice. I do believe he will do what is needed make LONG OVERDUE improvements to our neighborhoods.

    • Hello Michael, Hope you are well …Yes we are on similar wavelengths. When I am Mayor all sorts of opportunity will be explored. Currently I am drafting the article we discussed before you left. I prefer not to announce this until it is published but I am sure you recall our conversation. Would love for you to be back here….Lots to talk about and lots to do to change Boca Raton for a ‘can’t do’ to a ‘can do’ culture….Be healthy and stay safe….Al Zucaro, Publisher.


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