What’s Boca Saying? with Matt Spritz


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

Matt Spritz is running in the GOP primary for the Florida State House of Representative (District 89). Learn about who he is and the issues that are important to him. The primary is August 28 2018.

The creators of this video have removed it from YouTube. Contact Les Wilson of BocaFirst and ask him to send the video to Jason Pelish if you want to see this part of Boca Raton’s historical record restored.

Publisher’s Note:
Matt Spritz did not win the nomination. He lost to Mike Caruso. Almost everyone interviewed by “What’s Boca Saying” ended up losing. Be careful, future candidates. Not every endorsement or exposure will be a positive. Keep clean.


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  1. I’m looking at your mailer as we speak. It’s hard to know where to start. I’m shocked that a young guy like you appears to not have an original idea. Your platform seems to have come straight from Trump’s play book. Let me ask you a question about this wall you’re proposing. Is it to keep people in or keep them out? Have you studied the topography of the border and determined how the numerous engineering challenges will be addressed? Have you figured out how it will be paid for? Do you find it offensive that some of us have compassion for the less fortunate of this world? And finally – thank you for reminding us that we should never underestimate the stupidity of politicians.

  2. Why and who took down my Caruso lawn sign today? I understand large Caruso signs all along Federal were taken down in the last day or so. What’s up with that? Not cool.


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