A Much Needed Sabbatical


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

Dear Friends,

During this past week I have been overwhelmed by your good wishes. I cannot thank you enough for all the calls and kind words.

For those of you who worked so diligently on my campaign and to all who voted for me, I am so very thankful for your belief in what we sought to accomplish.

During the past six years, together, we created an important movement; a movement that has changed the course of governance in Boca Raton.

Change, however, is fragile. It will take continued diligence to keep the ‘resident’ in the forefront of the city council’s mind.

I urge you all to be diligent; to “watch” over the city council and keep the elected officials’ feet to the fire. Remain determined to creating a better Boca Raton for all the residents, present and future.

For a short while, “BocaWatch,” will be on sabbatical, but look for its return with a new team; a team who will move Boca to an even higher level!

Thank you again,

Al Zucaro
Publisher of BocaWatch (2012 – 2018)

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  1. Thanks Al for all you and your dedicated team have accomplished. Truly amazing!
    Looking forward to BocaWatch 2.0
    Best to you and Yvonne; wishing you both good health and happiness.

  2. Al, sorry to see you go. You have done so much in awakening the Boca neighborhood to the possibility of CHANGE! Change in how our Council and Mayor must recognize that all is not good with their decisions without the backing of ALL voters.
    We must pick up the mantle of furthering a cohesive government under the watchful eye of all whether we live east of I95 or west of I95. We are ONE community and should make sure that we stay that way.
    Al, you have started a powerful movement and I hope the new team can continue your legacy.
    Best wishes to you,
    Michael Bell

  3. I want to add my thanks and well wishes. I don’t normally leave comments, but I have appreciated all your hard work and share your passion for keeping the city of Boca in the hands of the residents and safe from over development. Best wishes, and I look forward to the return of Boca Watch.

  4. Thanks Al for all you have accomplished in trying to stem the excessive overbuilding of our city. You surely deserve a break but hopefully will not be too distant from our city and it’s issues.

  5. Thank you Mr. Zacaro for your time and talents you shared with the Boca Raton residents. I have enjoyed reading the articles in Boca Watch. Enjoy your time away and I hope to read more of your thoughts in the near future.
    Sheila Millard

  6. Thanks Al for all the hours you have spent and the dedication along with all the long hours you have secrificed for us. You are a true roll model for us to follow. There will be no one to keep us informed on things that should concern us and what our elected officials are up to without you and your staff. You and Boca Watch will be greatly missed.


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