A Serious Look at the Work Before us!


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

My Heartfelt Thank You

A journey that began for me in early August came to a successful end on Tuesday, March 14th. That journey was not only mine; it included my family, old friends, new friends, neighbors and volunteers, many that I had the good fortune to meet along the way. I will be forever amazed and grateful for the incredible effort put forth on my behalf by the supporters that shared my vision and enabled me to stay focused, which led to my election to City Council. My success would have been impossible without them, and I am deeply humbled.

My thanks to all for a job well done! Now comes the work.

My main motivation from the beginning was to provide a stronger voice of the residents at City Hall. Now elected, that is a commitment promised by me, to you. I listened and I learned. I heard the same concerns over and over again throughout my campaign, as you allowed me to talk on your doorstep or gather in your living rooms. You are concerned about the direction of our city, our legacy, and you shared your perspective of what you believe to be the core values of Boca Raton. Overwhelmingly, you have told me; traffic, over-development and its related impact on your quality of life are your main issues. Your concerns are my concerns, and those matters need solutions.

I am proud and excited to have the opportunity to be part of the dynamic of the newly formed City Council. Although only one seat has changed the impact of this election will be felt! The future of our city has been a topic of discussion for over six months…now it’s time to seriously look at the work before us. I eagerly anticipate open, productive, collaborative and inclusive planning and legislation. It’s a fine line to balance inevitable growth/development and assure the most beneficial outcome.

I will truly do my very best to make decisions in the best interest of the residents of Boca Raton and for the greater good of the community and our legacy. That was my purpose for running and I am looking to the future with hope.

As I said over six months ago when I first shared my message…It’s always been about “Building Our Future Together.” I look forward to that!

My deepest appreciation to all who supported my campaign.

Best Regards,
Andrea Levine O’Rourke

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  1. If you haven’t already, you should study traffic concurrency and how the adopted level of service E has created congestion.


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