Beautification Committee Goes on the Record, Wildflower Site an Interactive City Park


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Boca Raton’s Beautification Committee is an active group of 13 concerned Boca residents, which has as a primary purpose – the continuing health and beauty of Boca Raton.  The committee endeavors to heighten awareness for the look and feel of our city.

Operating as an independent group, these active residents meet the third Wednesday of each month in the 1st floor conference room at City Hall.  The city’s horticulturist/arborist sometimes attends these meetings to provide guidance and the City Clerk is the repository of the committee’s official minutes.

This group has as its mission the promotion of higher standards for landscape design; encouraging an increase in the city’s tree canopy; and the education of residents in the proper care of these plantings.

The lead effort supported by this committee over the course of the year has been their ‘Shade Tree Project’ commemorating ‘National Arbor Day’, a day of celebration extending over nearly two decades in the City of Boca Raton.  Project Shade Tree provided residents the opportunity to purchase for $50.00, either a Japanese Fern Tree or a Queen’s Crape Myrtle for planting in appropriate locations throughout the city.

In the June minutes, the committee reported that 75 trees has been sold and delivered to homeowners within the city.

Over the last two months the committee has engaged in discussions about the public’s use of the city owned intracoastal properties with a primary focus on the downtown waterfront location (formerly the Wildflower site).  Discussion of the citizen referendum vote scheduled for November 8th for recreational use of city owned properties along the intracoastal was conducted with further discussion anticipated.

In July, the committee acknowledged the need for more public pedestrian landscaping and public art as well as voicing its support for waterway cleanup projects and the completion of the Greenways and Blueways designation in Boca for use as connector paths to our parks.  Also supported was the City’s proposed restoration in Lake Wyman and in Rutherford Park.

Of particular note, at the August 16th meeting, the citizen referendum for the public recreational use of the intracoastal properties, especially the former Wildflower location, was again considered.  Comparison was made to Sullivan Park in Deerfield and its interactive waterfront application.

A motion was made by JoAnn Landon, seconded by Johann Leigh, for the Beautification Committee to officially go on record in favor of the Wildflower property to be an interactive city park.  The motion passed unanimously.

One other item to mention….the Arbor Day event supported by this committee will be held on October 3, 2016 at 10 – 11 A.M. with the location to be decided at the September committee meeting.

Thank you Beautification Committee for your hard work and thoughtful concerns for the preservation of the essence of this City, the city of Boca Raton!

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