Boca Locals Only: Add Job Listings For Free Through 2020

Free Job Listings

In order to help Boca Raton’s businesses re-adjust to the economic impact of the response to Covid-19: is letting Boca Raton businesses list job ads for FREE for the rest of 2020.

All you have to do is:

  • Own or manage a business with an address in Boca Raton.
  • Register here.
  • Add your job listings here after you register.
  • Be ready for candidates to contact you.
  • Decide who’s best, get them working, and make Boca better than it’s ever been before.

It’s really not hard at all and super effective. People come to this site to look at these job postings a lot. If you put it out there you will be contacted, so be ready.

Do it. Do it now, before this free offer is over. It’s a good time to give it a try if you were wondering whether it could be effective or not. It is. It’s worth your time.

Geek talk:

Why does it work so well on It’s an interesting reason.

I do marketing in Boca Raton, a lot of which is doing marketing work for companies offering technology products and services.

One technology I was using when putting together websites for staffing and recruiting companies was called “job boards”. These job boards contain job listings and are often part of bigger information management systems that industry uses called “Applicant Tracking Systems”. These systems are often packaged as software-as-a-service, meaning the companies that use them pay a monthly subscription fee: several hundred dollars a month at a minimum. My experience with the industry leading SAS products was that they were costly and disappointing in terms of performance and features.

Then I learned about a Job Board technology available for WordPress: WPJobBoard. I implemented it in several sites and maintain a developers license that lets me use it as much as I need. I wasn’t getting license renewal notices from its author, the guy who programmed and publishes it. I contacted him to suggest a more pro-active email plan and ended up discussing his need for content marketing instead. His name is Greg and lived in Krakow, Poland. He and his brother work together on plugins, add-ons for WordPress websites like this one.

Google had just come out with disruptive product: Google for Jobs, part of Google Search. It displays job ads in a different manner than it displays search results for other kinds of webpages. It’s disruptive because it has the potential, if employers list their jobs just right, to cut out the “middlemen”: Careerbuilder, ZipRecuiter, Monster, Indeed etc. Those expensive services aren’t needed as much any more if Google for Jobs is just going to show job listings from every site in the same interface – which it does.  All employers need to do is make sure their job listings are published meeting Google’s ideal criteria, being published with structured data.

Greg made his product so that it could be configured to be used so job listings entered into it could be optimized to meet Google’s criteria. I did a couple blog posts for Greg, and a video, showing how to configure the product to meet a standard business model. It’s not rocket science – it’s just a tool. It was so open-ended –  if you didn’t understand the direction you needed to go and the nuances of the steps you’d take a longer time getting it right. I illustrated an example users could copy.

This site uses that Google for Jobs configuration I demonstrated as ideal. When you enter your jobs into 4boca , you enter all the critical data about that job opening in the manner Google wants to see it. The data that you enter about the job opening is then published on the site, to job seekers. It gets published using structured data. The result of having all the critical data input and the output being formatted using structured data results in job listings being published in 4boca appearing more often first in Google for Jobs searches. Publishing your job listings on 4boca means the best candidates will see your listings first. And when they do see them they’re informed beyond the other listings. It makes the most professional impression on the people who you’ll profit from being most professional: your workforce. It sets the tempo for excellence.

The funny part about listing your job openings here on is that the big job boards I listed before will most likely ALSO display your job listing even though you don’t pay them to.

That doesn’t make sense, right? How could you putting your job here on get them to give you something for free that they were asking you to pay for instead?

Here’s the deal: those services aren’t as chock full of paying customers as they’d like to have. Yet they still need more job listings than their competition if they’re going to offer candidates a job board they learn to return to. So what do they do? They scrape sites that have the easiest to scrape job listings, ones published in structured data format like has. They republish listings that were first published here even though I’m not telling them to and not paying them a cent. They’re just doing to me what I am doing to them. We’re all re-publishing each other’s content to give our audience the widest selection.

The choice to you, the consumer, is where you inject your listing into the circular stream. I feel 4boca’s technology is superior and since the content is locally focused in the site your job listing will do better in searches people are performing locally. Every little variable counts in search engine optimization (SEO).  If you’re a business in Boca Raton, has the important ones abundantly in your favor.

The system here is DIY once you register. I’ll be reading the ads to make sure nothing inappropriate gets through. If your job or company isn’t in Boca don’t even bother registering. I am only letting businesses in Boca Raton have this free privilege. It will return to being a paid service when 2021 begins.


* The model in the Featured Image for this promotional article was not intended to represent character, fictional or non-fictional, living or historical. That being said she does look a little too much like Roxanna Trinka to not mention it. Right?

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