Boca Raton City Council Swears In Monica Mayotte & Jeremy Rodgers


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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On April 2, 2018 the Boca Raton City Council held its organization meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to pay tribute to a departing City Council member, to swear in two members and to assign roles to the five sitting members.

The departing City Council member is Robert Weinroth. He decided not to seek re-election in Boca’s City Council. Instead he has entered the race for the Palm Beach Board of Commissioners. The District 4 seat is being vacated by Steven Abrams. District 4 covers the southern part of Palm Beach County and spans municipalities from Boca Raton to South Palm Beach.

Jeremy Rodgers Swearing In After 2018 City Council Election

The two members who took the oath of office are Jeremy Rodgers and Monica Mayotte. Both were elected at the March 13, 2018 municipal election. Jeremy Rodgers was the former Deputy Mayor. He was reelected to City Council Seat C. Monica Mayotte is new to the City Council and was elected to Seat D. The terms of both are three years.
After swearing in ceremonies, all five City Council Members participated in appointing themselves to specific roles. The method of appointment is by City Council voice vote.

At this meeting the Council Members were nominated for these roles:

  • Deputy Mayor: Scott Singer
  • CRA Chairperson: Andrea O’Rourke
  • CRA Vice Chairperson: Monica Mayotte
  • Transportation Planning Association
    • Voting: Susan Haynie and Jeremy Rodgers
    • Alternates: Andrea O’Rourke and Scott Singer
  • Palm Beach County League of Cities
    • Voting: Monica Mayotte
    • Alternate: Jeremy Rodgers
  • Interlocal Plan Review Amendment Committee: Jeremy Rodgers

Boca Raton CIty Council Members April 2018

Thanks to Robert Weinroth for his contributions.

Congratulations and best wishes to Jeremy Rodgers and Monica Mayotte as they serve the residents of Boca Raton over the next three years.

Also, thanks for all City Council members who are taking on additional City leadership responsibilities and also the roles of representing the City to outside organizations.

Read BocaWatch Publisher Al Zucaro’s Opinion about the unusual history of the Deputy Mayor role.

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