Boca Teeca Golf Course Update


Below are the details on the proposed selling of the municipal golf course, which as stated below will be considered by city council on 11/22 at their 6pm meeting.

As directed by the city web site, any questions (or recommendations by residents) may be made by email to the city manager at Residents are encouraged to email the city manager and elected city council members to inform them of what you believe is in the “best interest of the city.”

Municipal Golf Course Offers – Here is the link: – Summary of the web page is shown below (UPDATED October 25, 2016)

The City of Boca Raton owns and operates the Municipal Golf Course located at 8111 Golf Course Road, in unincorporated Palm Beach County, west of the City. The Boca Raton Municipal Golf Course includes an 18 hole championship course and a nine hole executive course situated on 194 acres.

After receiving multiple unsolicited offers and letters of intent to the purchase golf course, the City asked for highest and best offers to be submitted by Friday, October 21, 2016 at 5pm. (Municipal Golf Course Offer Requirements and Deadline Information – 09.29.2016 PDF)

Pursuant to a determination by the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics, the cone of silence is applicable to the City’s consideration of offers in connection with a potential sale of the City’s western golf course. The cone of silence commenced on the date of submittal of offers (October 21, 2016) and will continue in effect until the award of a contract (or the conclusion of this process, if a contract is not awarded). The cone of silence prohibits communications between City officials (the Mayor and City Council and City staff members) and parties that submit offers (and their representatives).

The relevant cone of silence exemptions are: (1) discussions during a public meeting; (2) “written correspondence” between parties submitting offers (and their representatives) and City officials; and (3) contract negotiations between a City employee and a potential purchaser (at such time as a potential purchaser is selected by the City Council and contract negotiations commence).The City is currently reviewing proposals received. Any questions should be communicated only in writing (e-mail is acceptable, send to:

Offers received in response to Sept. 29, 2016 Offer Requirements memo above (summary of terms of each offer provided below).

  • CalAtlantic Homes – $50.2 million/580 units OR $56.651 million / 912 units
  • Compson Boca Argent, LLC – $47.5 million/447 SFR units & 170 Senior Living units & donate 26.43 acres to Torah Academy (relocate from current Spanish Rvr Blvd location)-$30 million min guaranteed
  • G.L. Homes -$73 million / 582 units
  • K Hovnanian Homes – $51 million / 396 SFR units
  • Lennar – $51 million less $10 million/Ocean Breeze golf course property=$41 net cash million to city/390 SFR units + 95 villas & 200 bed senior housing building
  • Pulte Group – $61.5 million / 720 units
  • Ryan Homes – $45 million / 582 units
  • Toll Brothers – $50.634 million / 582 units
  • WCI Communities – $47 million / 582 units with $35 million minimum guaranteed

City Council will consider the Offers on 11/22/2016 and may make a selection based on determination in its sole discretion in the best interests of the City. City Council may elect to proceed, not to proceed, or take other action.


Meeting by Keep Golf In Boca (KGIB) on Nov. 3rd at 7pm at city community center (next to city hall) to discuss what action Boca Raton residents can take in order to protect the residential character of our city regarding this issue. Meet current Beach & Park commissioners to discuss how they may be able to assist residents in the acquisition of the Boca Teeca golf course for use as a public recreational facility. All residents who have signed the KGIB petition to protect the Boca Teeca golf course property from development are invited to this meeting and petitions will be available at the meeting for signing.

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  1. Why is Boca Raton doing this? Do they need the money? What do they plan to do with the proceeds of the sale if it is sold? With property taxes through the roof I can’t understand Boca’ s need for additional funds for whatever.

  2. It is absurd to even consider selling the Municipal Golf Course.The city doesn’t need the money. It is a much used course by city residents and it is a well maintained golf course. Does Boca really need further development in this area? I don’t understand the motivation behind such a sale other than another opportunity to keep developers happy at the expense of the residents.

  3. As a long term City resident ( from before the City even built the Championship golf course) I am all for the purchase and renovation of the Boca Teeca course, which last I checked is inside the City limits, and is even east of 95. We don’t need anymore traffic from developing that property for any sort of residential or commercial use. It can only help City tax revenues to do so, and preserve what green space is available in the City.The current City course is dull and uninteresting, not inside the City limits, and it would make no sense to keep it if it could be economically replaced through a swap. So sell one, and improve the other.

  4. I am for the preservation of the golf course at Boca Teeca (formerly known as the Ocean Breeze golf facility) for several reasons. The present City of Boca course (which is not located within the city limits of Boca Raton) serves the western portion of Boca and other areas located outside the City limits of Boca Raton. This area is well served by the Southwinds Golf facility and the Osprey Point Golf facility (a 27 hole course) both `operated by Palm Beach County as well as several other private courses (mainly on 441) that have opened up use of their facilities to the public. There are no Palm Beach County golf facilities serving the eastern portion of the City of Boca Raton. The only public golf facility serving the eastern half of the entire City is the Red Reef golf course, a short “Executive” style nine-hole course on A1A that is more of a “practice” facility than a full championship course. In addition, it is probable that the sale of the present City facility will generate sufficient funds to fully purchase and update the Boca Teeca facility and provide the City with a substantial amount of money over and above the total cost of the Boca Teeca property. Preserving the golf course facility at Boca Teeca serves to balance golf availability throughout Boca Raton and prevents the spread of development of open spaces that are needed to retain the vitality and uniqueness of the City of Boca Raton. It seems to me to be a “no-brainer”.

  5. The answer is easy – developers want the land and our corrupt city council is owned by the developers. This is just like the city council wanting to sell our water front properties and what they have done inpromoting the high rises in downtown Boca. It is time for the citizens of Boca to wake up to what is going on. If you want to get educated, join


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