Boca’s Fit Body Boot Camp


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Having celebrated a 70th birthday last month, my present to myself is better health and physical fitness…So what did I do…Join a boot camp program and compete with people half my age….An incredible experience….

So, I have to let all of you know of this incredible gym that is far beyond the term “gym”. It is called Boca Raton Fit Body Boot Camp! Your experience starts with the wonderful greeting you get from the super and genuinely friendly team. They go out of their way to make you feel right at home. As you proceed to warm up and stretch before the workout, they start revving you up with words of encouragement and much needed assurance that “YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!!!”

As the program starts the coaches tell you and show you in advance what each of the workout stations is going to be and how long at each station you will be. You then listen to whichever talented coach is going to be leading the class and have other coaches right there offering assistance on proper form and motivating the heck out of you. You are also with other people at your station and it is amazing how everyone bonds and encourages each other during the workout.

At the end of the workout, you feel such a sense of achievement that you rarely experience at other gyms. This truly is a “boot camp” but with an incredible sense of “family” infused into it. The great thing too is you are tracked and encouraged to reach your results from beginning to end and beyond. The owners Sean and Donna have assembled a GREAT team that delivers GREAT results in a GREAT atmosphere. Sean is recently retired from the United States Air Force after serving 27 years.  Sean and Donna relocated to Florida in early 2019 and opened Boca Raton Fit Body Boot Camp.

Coach Sean, Coach Jonathan and Coach Jason have over 25 years of fitness experience combined. Christine, the admin, is the epitome of Fit Body Boot Camp losing 35 pounds with the help of Fit Body Boot Camp. Along with a fantastic workout, clients will also have nutrition counseling sessions and a body fat analysis. Each client is assigned a coach to hold you accountable along your fitness journey.

Come join me for the BEST 30 MINUTES OF YOUR DAY!


Al Zucaro
Publisher of BocaWatch

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  1. Excellent article, Al! We love Fit Body Boot Camp as well. It’s great to work out together every morning, and having Jonathan, Jason and Sean there coaching us is the best! Thanks Sean for bringing Fit Body to Boca!


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