BocaWatch Satire: Littered with Development


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The largest commercial property owner in Boca Raton endorses pro high-density candidates.

Image created by Jessica Gray

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  1. I have been living in Boca for 28 yrs. I live by turnpike and Palmetto Ed. Took me 12 mins to go to beach on Sunday. In the past 3 yrs it has taken me longer now 45 mins and only to find out the beach parking for residents with STICKERS can t get into park!!! This past Sunday when I left beach I drove S on A1A to go to Camino Real. The Traffic was backed up and stopped to top of bridge over inlet. Yes Camino bridge was up. And I was headed to Publix & Fresh Market. Plus Boca hotel had exotic car show. Ok. What s going to happen when the apartments on Palmetto are rented and Marriot opens plus Mandrian hotel opens.
    Spring break right around corner I can t imagine!

  2. Marilyn and other complainers, instead of complaining ride a bicycle and live locally. The modern city cannot accommodate everyone’s car, there simply is not enough space for it. Look at what progressive cities like Oslo, Rome, London, Singapore and others around the world are doing: banning the cars from city centers and creating pedestrian-only areas. High density is what city like Boca desperately needs, it creates vibrant community instead of horrible car dependent suburban sprawl.

  3. Bob have you been to these cities to see for yourself if that is an accurate statement? I have, and traffic was a nightmare, especially in Singapore.
    People come to South Florida for the weather and the water. No matter how you spin it, this is first and foremost a world class resort community.
    I don’t see folks biking from their hotel / winter rental, to Mizner Park or the beach now or in the future.

    • Bob, the City spent millions of dollars to make NE 1st Avenue between NE 2nd St and Palmetto Park Road pedestrian friendly. e.g., pavers, no curbs, removable bollards, etc. The vision was that it could function something like Bourbon Street in NOLA and have cars banned nightly or on occasions. Unfortunately, the City did not ban cars from the area nightly or occasionally and now it is just like any other car-centric road in the City. Cars will not go away in Boca just by saying they should. The City needs to walk the talk and get serious about it.

  4. Why can we have more pubic transportation! So the older and the young can take! Some of us would like to use transportation instead and not drive, we are forced to drive. the buses take so long to get to one place to an other cause they twist and true like crazy. Some thing that takes 10 or 15 mins take 1 hour by bus!!! Learn from others city’s.
    this is nuts! Or you going to get more and more traffic

  5. When I was discussing this false narrative of walking and bicycling someone commented are you kidding me, even the dogs have carriages, wheels. No one is giving up their cars for grocery shopping or bicycling to have their nails done. In summer months half the year they certainly are not giving up air conditioning. Let s be honest. Patti Dervishi candidate seat A City Council

  6. I have to laugh at this false narrative. Recently when discussing this issue: a citizen said what are they joking, even the dogs have wheels on their carriages, true. Citizens are not bringing their groceries home on their bikes. Women are not walking to have their hair done.
    It is laughable to think 6 months out of the year, summer months, anyone will give up their air conditioning. The development must stop. There are 5 city council members sitting on council. Two Weinroth and Rogers are not up for reelection, they are in the pockets of developers and we shall have to wait till the next election to put them out of office. This election we need to put out Mayor Haynie and Scott Singer also development candidates. You only have to look around where their campaign signs are sitting on our streets, Batmasian properties and other developers CC Residential on Palmetto etc. Go to city of Boca Raton-candidates-campaign treasurers report. There you will find Scott Singer solicited and accepted campaign contributions from Compose, Vander Ploeg, cc residential, Nov. Aug. , the very developers of these projects and future projects. He says he has stood up against over development. What does this mean Scott, you approved Tower 155 next to post office with a additional 4 floors added for good measure. You approved 2500 N. Ocean with variances on the beach. You approved 770 Palmetto, all lacking traffic studies and without providing supportive services. What is your definition of over development? These building are larger then cruise ships. The truth isn’t in you. You only say things to get votes. That is exactly why I am opposing you for city council seat A. Patti Dervishi

  7. Bob, replying to your comment get a bike or move to the east side! I am. Not moving and as far as taking a bike from Powerline and Palmetto pk Rd with beach chair etc. what are you thinking I am 72. The heat in summer. I moved here to enjoy the beach plus all that Boca has to offer. It s people like you who have ruin the town. As I said before just wait till those apartments are rented plus the 2hotels it will be grid lock.

  8. Because of my work, I have lived in many U.S. cities in California, Washington, Illinois, Georgia, Utah and Colorado. Boca is by far the least pedestrian friendly. We have lived in Florida now for over 20 years and plan to retire here. Boca needs a change, to curb over-development and promote a pedestrian friendly city.

  9. I spoke with Scott Singer, who had a different explanation as to why he voted for the change in Tower 155. He explained that the change lowered the unit count, so it would have fewer units and less parking and roadway demand. Also, it it shifted the bulk of the building so that the higher floors were facing a four-way divided road (Mizner Blvd.), which faces St. Gregory’s, and further away from residences on Boca Raton Blvd. and Sanborn Square. The net result was to shift the bulk higher away from residences and toward a wider street.

    While I oppose Susan Haynie as mayor, we still need qualified, competent people in city counsel. I am not convinced that Singer is as pro-over-development as Dervishi claims. At least, he is coherent and is qualified for the position he seeks.


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