BocaWatch: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail

For the last five years, I have been watching and commenting on the relationship between the citizens of Boca Raton and their local government leaders.  In short, this interaction has been a compilation of what can only be termed ‘the Good, the Bad and the Ugly’.

Last year in reaction to some high density appovals and upcoming  City Council elections, BocaWatch, an issue oriented Political Action Committee, was launched with the intention of informing Boca’s citizenry of the events generally fitting under the headings stated above.  The items thought worthy of mention were outlined and electronically provided to the viewing citizens contained within its database, albeit a relatively small amount of viewers.

Since then, the BocaWatch site has been improved, expanded and modified to again provide information generally fitting within the headings above.   Bocawatch has also expanded its database to include likeminded people who are interested in knowing about and preserving the Boca lifestyle as it has become to be known and preserve the charm and style envisioned in the City’s history against unfettered growth and density which has been the hallmark of the past five years.

BocaWatch will provide information to its readers designed to inform and educate.  Topics will generally be presented in a factual and respectful way so that citizens will have time to be heard and the City Council will not act only on the presentations of developers and staff.

In the past, ‘the ugly’ has often dominated these interactions.  That is changing.  Elections do have consequences and the March Council elections seem to have brought a new attitude to the Council and a refreshing mood to look for and open more dialogue with the citizens.

From that, ’the good’ becomes readily apparent.   One need only watch the Council meeting to see this remarkable change in attitude.  Reacting to that is the fact that citizens are now becoming more engaged and the Council more open to alternate reasoned opinions.  All these signs are good things.

This is not to say that ‘the Bad’ is gone forever.  That is yet to be seen….

That is the purpose of BocaWatch….to bring relevant news to the citizens so that they can, at a glance, know the movement of the City Council, the City staff and the presenters that will always have a major influence on the lifestyle we have come to know and enjoy.

BocaWatch hopes to present ‘the good as well as the bad in order to help prevent the ugly’. 

That is our purpose and we trust you will find it informative enough to take a moment every time it is received to view what may be happening that is of interest to you and to our great city.

Thank you in advance for your interest, patience and participation.

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