Candidate Withdraws From City Council Race


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Local resident Joe Panella who had filed to run in the upcoming March 2017 City Council election has withdrawn from the race.  He was planning to run for the open Council Seat B which will be vacated by Mike Mullaugh due to term limits.

Please stay tuned to BocaWatch for updates on all upcoming elections taking place in August, November and March.  It promises to be both exciting and important for our City as items of local impact appear on all three ballots.  The March election will feature candidates vying for three seats: Councilman Scott Singer and Mayor Susan Haynie will be up for reelection along with potential new candidates for Mike Mullaugh’s open seat.

Attached is a letter Mr. Panella sent out to announce his withdrawal


With mixed feelings, and for a number of personal reasons, I have decided to withdraw from the race for city council seat B in the March election.  Please accept my gratitude for the support you have shown.  Those of you who were kind enough to make a financial contribution will be receiving a refund in the mail during July.

Please feel free to call or write at any time, I’d love to hear from you!

Sincere Regards,




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