Cannabis Use Gets Personal For Boca Raton Residents


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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In case you didn’t know cannabis, which is sometimes unfortunately referred to as marijuana, is still federally illegal. In fact, since 1906 the war against this plant has seen harsher restrictions leading up to the 1970’s Controlled Substances Act that helped to incarcerate and destroy the lives of many average American families, particularly those from minority communities.

As states rethink the war on this plant we are learning more each day about its health benefits. It’s estimated that in 2018 over 600,000 people will die from cancer. A study conducted by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs showed roughly 22 veterans die every day from suicide with a significant number attributed to PTSD. Prolonged epileptic seizures in children can produce profound brain damage. Cannabis is being researched in use to fight all of these ailments and we are only just scratching the surface of discovery.

It should come as no surprise in an age of personalized medicine that cannabis may just be the tool to heal the sick. Len May the CEO of EndoCanna Health ( has created a DNA test that can determine the best method and product for an individual to consume.

The test can determine if you are susceptible to anxiety, have greater pain sensitivity and if your genetics play a role in your overall happiness. It can also determine the right method of ingestion. Some people have a stronger reaction to taking edibles or smoking then other consumption methods.

Matching your DNA to the cannabis you consume can tell you which cannabinoid ratios may help reduce anxiety; which are better-suited for your pain management and which may help you sleep better.

Len will explore the science behind this technology at this month’s Extract Collective meeting on August 21st in the Boca Design Center at 3785 N Federal Hwy in Boca Raton at 6pm. Tickets are available on EventBrite ( … 8652718591) and at the door.

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