Congratulations BocaWatch!


BocaWatch founder Al Zucaro had a delightful suprise when he went to his mailbox one day last week. He opened a small box addressed to him to find a beautiful little “thumbs up” hand made sculpture by local artist Roy Staugaard.  Here is the letter enclosed with the encouraging gift.

Dear Al Zucaro,

Saw the article in the “Boca Forum” about you and the “BocaWatch”.  You deserve a ceramic permanent ‘Thumbs-up’ for the work you are doing to inform the public about this city running wild about building.

Since I retired, I make a ‘thumbs-up’ for folks like you who do outstanding good work.  I admire such people world-wide.  I moved here 30 years ago and the more they build the more congestion.  “Raise the taxable property so we have more money to build wider roads”.  Sounds self-defeating to me.

Keep up the good work for the folks of Boca.  Best to you in the future,



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