Consensus Says “YES”!


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Both Political Parties Support YES on Boca Raton Ballot Question

Republican and Democrat Parties Agree!!

Both of the local Republican and Democrat parties are supporting a YES vote on the Boca Raton Ballot Question.  They realize the value of preserving Boca’s Intracoastal Waterway lands for the recreational enjoyment by all citizens of the City.

The following are the handouts being provided by each party to early voters at Boca Raton Polling Sites.

[See endorsement cards]





Please join these organizations in also voting YES for the Boca Raton ballot question and encourage your family and friends to do the same. This is the last question on the ballot.

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  1. This is one issue on which local Democrats and Republicans speak with one voice and that voice says “Vote YES” on the City of Boca Raton question.”

  2. In response to Mr. Weinroth, the Democratic Executive Committee may not have endorsed the position taken in the flyer but the flyer has been handed out all week at the downtown Boca Raton library polling location. The flyer identifies the Boca Delray Democratic Club as the originator of this handout. AZ

  3. So we will have another park that will cost taxpayers money to maintain but really only people with boats and that live in million dollar homes get to reap the benefits. That doesn’t sound like a good deal! There is a park walking distance from there, how many parks does Boca really need?? Especially parks that only benefit millionaires.


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