Follow the Money


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Following the Money!!! Financial reports reveal the clear picture of Boca Raton politics.

Publisher’s comment:

As more than just a casual observer of campaign financing matters, BocaWatch has been and continues to report the details revealed in the local elections’ mandatory financial reports.

To date, what is abundantly clear is that Scott Singer and Andy Thomson, running for Mayor and Council Seat A respectively, are the darlings of the development and legal communities.  Developers and attorneys comprise Singer and Thomson’s major supporters in the March 2017 election cycle, and, to date, remain their major supporters in the Special Election of 2018.   In this 2018 election cycle, the developer community will be desperate to retain intellectual, if not actual, control over the City Council.  With the demise of Susan Haynie, and after electing Councilwomen O’Rourke and Mayotte, the old guard is rightfully concerned.  A super majority City Council platform is within reach.  Residents are in control of their own destiny….

So…Stay tuned…stay informed and vote for the candidates that demonstrate real concern for your quality of life; a quality of life that you truly want to preserve and deserve to have!!!  Boca Raton’s future is in the cross hairs; your beaches, your parks and your life style are at stake.  Remember, your vote is your voice; let your voice be heard at the ballot box for the August 28th Special Election for Mayor and Council Seat A.

Al Zucaro
Publisher of BocaWatch

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