Heard It Through the Grapevine


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

Wednesday, January 10 is the final qualifying date for the March municipal election in Boca Raton and what has been rumored for some time is apparently starting to fall into place.  We will know for sure on Wednesday, and if true, it illustrates the political gamesmanship the elected officials in Boca Raton will orchestrate in order to seize and maintain power.

The Rumor

Due to recent, and ongoing, investigations regarding Mayor Susan Haynie there has been talk of her withdrawal from the County Commission campaign for which she announced last fall.  Even if she chooses to stay in the race for now, her electability has been, and, promises to continue to be, severely damaged. With the County Commission seat open, or at least more competitive, current City Councilmember Robert Weinroth is rumored to be withdrawing from his City Council reelection campaign this week and shifting in to the county race.  By doing so prior to the January 10 deadline, Mr. Weinroth would be able to shift his existing (over $105,000 dollars) campaign funds (with contributor approval) to the county election.

Simultaneously, Andy Thomson, the newcomer to Boca Raton politics and a Weinroth ‘protégé’ would then enter the race for the vacated Weinroth seat to oppose long-time resident Monica Mayotte.  In the 2017 Council election Mr. Thomson was soundly defeated by Andrea Levine O’Rourke in a three-way race despite being heavily funded ($86,000) by developer/landowner interests plus the active campaigning on his behalf by Mr. and Mrs. Weinroth.

Where’s the Beef?

For the most part, BocaWatch has ignored these rumors that have been around for some time now.  However, recent events have cast a more credible light on the issue.

Consider this:

  • Thus far, as of Sunday January 7th , Mr. Weinroth has yet to file his official qualifying paperwork due January 10. In past elections, he was among the first to qualify.
  • Mayor Haynie has received minimal funding for her campaign through November 30 and is thought to currently be under investigation with county, state and federal agencies for ethical and financing improprieties.
  • This weekend a telephone poll was conducted with active Boca Raton voters which inquired about name recognition and favorability of candidates that have already filed and included the name of Andy Thomson who has not filed.
  • This weekend a second telephone poll was conducted within Palm Beach County District 4 voters which inquired on which candidate you favor for the District 4 County Commission seat; Haynie or Weinroth.
  • Weinroth uses the same political consultants hired by Thomson’s unsuccessful campaign. It is also rumored that Weinroth and Haynie share the same political consultant(s) as well. The nature of the questions asked in these polls point to this connectivity as the polling source.

What is it All About?

In a word – Control.  There is nothing illegal in the timing of filing for political office.  If the above rumors are true, we will witness a last-minute change in the field of candidates designed to eliminate the potential for others to enter the races; others that may have been encouraged to run under this new political landscape.

The items above are not the only indicators….The fact that Councilmember Singer has filed to run for mayor anticipating that Mayor Haynie will vacate her seat is curious.

At the earliest, assuming Ms. Haynie remains in the County Commission race, the Mayor race would not be until March 2019.  By entering now, he is assuming that Ms. Haynie will not decide to remain in her current elected seat through its term of March, 2020.  Does he know something that we do not know???  He is also confusing the electorate on which Council seats are up for election in March 2018.

Speculation is too broad to opine an answer at this time.  However, the Mayor race has already drawn a competitor and Mr. Singer can no longer be viewed as acting in the best interest of the residents but rather he must be viewed as acting in his own political best interest and, hence, whatever position he takes on any issue, development or not, must be viewed under the prism of ‘electioneering’ and not that of ‘good goverence’.

Much of this will be answered this Wednesday, January 10th at 5:00 P.M., when the filing window for the March 2018 City Council races closes.  That, however, is not the filing deadline for the County Commission race or for the potential March 2019 Boca Raton Mayor race….

Stay tuned…more to come….but always remember to look beyond the obvious; look to the nefarious.  Politicians are notorious for working the electorate for the politician’s ‘political best interest’; not necessarily the ‘resident friendly’ best interest….

Remember your vote is your voice; let your voice be heard loudly at the ballot box in March 2018!!!

Al Zucaro, Publisher

P.S.:  As of Monday, January 8, the following names have been entered into the Boca Raton City Council elections:

  1. Mr. Bernie Korn has filed an intent to run for Boca Raton Mayor;
  2. Mr. Glenn Gromann has indicated an intent to run for Boca Raton Mayor;
  3. Ms. Kim Do has filed an intent to run for City Council seat occupied by Deputy Mayor Rodgers;
  4. Ms. Monica Mayotte has filed an intent to run for City Council seat occupied by Councilmember Weinroth;
  5. Dr. Pressi has indicated an intent to run for City Council seat occupied by Councilmember Weinroth.

BocaWatch will be publishing bios and interviews with these new potential public officials.  More to follow….AZ

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  1. Glen Gromann? The first word I thought of:

    adjective: disingenuous
    not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
    synonyms: insincere, dishonest, untruthful, false, deceitful, duplicitous, lying, mendacious; hypocritical
    “that innocent, teary-eyed look is just part of a disingenuous act”

    Run Glenn, we have so much video of your dishonesty it will be a pleasure to expose you to a wider audience.

  2. When no one is worried about what you are doing they ignore you. When they are worried they attack you. LOL One thing is for sure no one knows how to spell my name. 🙂


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