Houston’s vs Green Space: Amazing Response to a Survey on Social Media


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

The City is currently negotiating the details of a proposal from Hillstone the owner of the Houston’s restaurant chain to develop a restaurant on the site of the former Wildflower restaurant. Many residents expressed a desire for the City to develop an active green space (park) on the Wildflower site, so BocaWatch decided to survey members of two Facebook Groups to better understand the sentiment on this issue. On February 27, 2015 a social media survey was started regarding future usage of Boca Raton’s Wildflower site. The survey was concluded on March 1, 2015. The two Boca Raton-focused Facebook Groups that were surveyed are BocaWatch and Old Boca 2.
The survey requested the following: We’re having a poll to see how many members favor a park versus a Houston’s restaurant on the Wildflower site. Please comment with either “Park” or “Houston’s Restaurant.” There were 201 group members responding to the survey. Two members of both groups responded to the survey from both groups, so one of their responses were deleted to eliminate redundant responses.
The results of the survey are:

167 (83%) members prefer a park

14 (7%) members prefer a Houston’s restaurant

20 (10%) other responses that did not fit into either category. For example, some responses indicated only that they did not prefer a Houston’s restaurant, so these responses were included in the other category.
Thanks to all who participated. The survey results will be communicated to the City and you will be informed of progress.

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