Is Our City Council Listening at All?


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Some refer to followers as “no-growth residents” falsifying the real reason behind the dialogue. Residents have come together to provide and ensure a better future for younger generations. The goal is not to complain or stop development, but to make certain City Council Members do the right thing and vision the big picture.

On August 9th, Citizens joined the Boca Raton City Council Meeting with hopes that the Council would adopt an ordinance to restrict commercial development on City owned waterfront property. Residents in favor of this ordinance were left disappointed, once again.

Conspiring to place a chain restaurant in place of green space, the City Council Members have shifted the movement to the November 8th election.  On this date, registered voters will check a yes or no box to adopt Ordinance 5356 on a ballot.

Looking in, it seems Citizens have not been given a voice on many sensitive subjects. While Members were elected in office by the Residents, agendas appear to differ. One Council Member even stated, “If you do not like the building and development, you are free to move.” Additionally, this specific member voiced that he wanted to see sides campaigning against each other. The question is why?

Why are the Council Members determined to develop the Wildflower property? Why does the City approve the majority of variances? Why is there so much building? What role does the Boca Raton Chamber play into City Council decisions?

Further, what is their agenda?

What will it take for City Council Members to open their mind and listen to the people? It comes down to responsibility.  If anyone is reading this, please help save our much needed green space from greed. Vote yes to Ordinance 5356. What we decide now will impact the character of our city for generations.

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  1. You expressed the sentiments of thousands but it is like butting your head against a wall However I have a feeling that the frustration with the traffic and the overbuilding will finally cause the citizens to “revolt” and admit that “enough is enough” and follow this thru their vote and get rid of “perpetrators”

    • Let’s hope so.
      Elected Officials should put the resident’s interests ahead of the private sectors – especially as pertains to ‘quality of life’ issues.

  2. What a shame that a council members idea of avoiding the subject is ” to move”. Maybe he needs to move to Ft Lauderdale or Miami if he wants that type of growth in a community. Keep Boca quaint and clean!

  3. As it is taxpayer money, we should be able to decide whether we want this or not, however, most on the City Council are bound and determined to prevent that from happening. I believe it’s all about “money, favors, and total dishonesty” on their part. Time to vote those individuals out when their terms expire.

  4. As a resident since 1978 we fell in love with Palm Beach Farms after living in the area for the previous 5 years..
    Boca and Delray were low key “downtowns” with good industrial basis just west of the Interstate buffer.
    The beginning of the demise of the downtown began with the replacement of one of the areas architectural
    beautiful buildings, the brick bank building at the Northwest corner of Federal Highway and Camino Real, which was replaced by the tall upside down monstrosity there now, “the beginning of the end”.
    We had a change to save the downdtown three years ago and it was rejected by the city residents out west who
    have no interest in downtown, except they see it as a cash cow.
    Thanks Boca Watch for allowing me to vent,
    As to the council who says “move”, tell then to get out of dodge.

  5. When our city council members suggest you move – they do not tell you that for having criticized them they are going to do all they can to drive you out of town – including the wrongful deployment of law enforcement against you.


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