Kudos to City Council on New Goals to Include Citizens


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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A Report from the City Manager indicates that the directive from the City Council says “More Community Involvement”

September 18, 2104 the City Council held their Annual Budget Hearing. In that hearing the City Manager reported all of the goals set forth by our City Council Members in their 2014-2015 Goal Setting Session.  One of the Guiding Principles that came out of the session was a “strong partnership with the community”.   One of the High Priorities set is “Citizen Engagement Strategy and Action Plan”.

This is a great accomplishment for our City Council and the residents who have been diligent in their effort to communicate with the leadership.

During the budget meeting the City Council agreed to allot $50,000 to study and evaluate the intersection on E Palmetto Park Rd and 5th Avenue.  This intersection will be greatly impacted by the new development of the Archstone (now Greystar) rentals and the inevitable new Houston’s restaurant on the Wildflower property.  The intersection is already failing with regards to congestion and safety issues.  The residents have been asking the city to study this intersection since the Archstone development was going through the approval process.  This study was long overdue and important to the future of responsible growth and vision for the future of Downtown Boca and surrounding area.

The City also allocated funds to bring the libraries back to full service hours as well as allocating funds to study the Hillsboro El Rio for the possibility of a future building of a new Park.

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