Make Our City & Parks Work Better Together


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Two public meetings were conducted by the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District to discuss policy positions in preparation for the scheduled July 23rd joint meeting with City Council. Information learned at these two district meetings was extensive and enlightening. Topics discussed were significant with direct consequence on all users of the District’s facilities. Expected to be discussed at the joint meeting will be resident and non-resident issues including but hopefully not limited to user fees. No such public preparatory policy discussions have been conducted with the City Council.

Former District Commissioner Earl Starkoff presented an overview synopsis suggesting topics needing to be covered at the joint meeting and raising pertinent and preliminary questions necessary to better understand the relationship between these governing bodies. His presentation exposed policy and operational areas needing clarity to foster better inter-governmental relations and advance the operational needs and budget demands for the District’s facilities.

Mr. Starkoff addressed 4 points of friction between the District and the City that can only be resolved by elected officials’ leadership. Your elected officials need to resolve these and direct staff according to their decisions. Mr. Starkoff’s complete presentation is attached below.

BocaWatch readers are encouraged to review the presentation and formulate a basis to answer the four YES/NO questions posed by Mr. Starkoff to the District’s policy makers.

These questions are:

  1. Will the City finally hold to the agreement it made on June 25, 2016 to proceed with Phase 2 at DeHoernle?
  2. Will the City and District agree to eliminate the Independent Youth Sports Non-Resident Fee?
  3. Will the District and City agree that they are closely aligned but independent governing and policy-making bodies?
  4. Will the District and City agree to move Governance of District-wide sports to the District?

Mr. Starkoff provided copies of his presentation to both District and City officials. BocaWatch was also provided this information to encourage an informed public participation and transparent discussion.

Click here for Mr. Starkoff’s presentation.

The joint meeting will take place in the Community Center’s Royal Palm Room. All are invited to attend.

Al Zucaro
Publisher of BocaWatch

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