Like Wolves Howling At The Moon

Ok! Ok!…enough already!!!….You’ve got my attention…what do you want???


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Publisher’s Comment:

Like wolves howling at the moon, we, the residents, have changed the course of government in the city of Boca Raton. Residents have actually won! With the election victories of Council members Andrea Levine O’Rourke and Monica Mayotte, the ‘resident friendly’ voice can no longer be discounted; no longer disrespected. Tone and temperament in City Hall has changed…but…do not be fooled! Residents must continue to ‘howl’. The ‘moon’ should never forget that we, the residents, demand our voice be heard; that we, the residents, are here…

However, what also must change, is that along with ‘howling’, we, the residents must offer practical solution in the public discussion and discourse. Residents are not the problem; residents are the solution. Good governance begins and ends with informed and engaged residents.

Al Zucaro
Publisher of BocaWatch

Image by Jessica Gray

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  1. Hello Al, As a longtime Boca Raton Resident (since 1674) my wife and I, along with most of our friends and neighbors, have long commented on the trends that have favored residential development at the expense of the limited resources that residents had regarded as benefiting our community as a whole. In light of what many now see as the loss of access to our public beaches, parks and generally over-crowded conditions of our roads and schools, voters are pushing back and demanding public officials recognize that we’ve lost sight of ‘quality of life’ issues. The growing popularity of news letters like yours are signs that people want responsible representation and drawn to voices of reason.
    I was very glad to hear that one of our close friends Kathy Cottrell was running for a seat on the city council. She and her family have a long and accomplished history in Boca Raton and understand the frustrations many residents have concerning the lack of vision and out-right developer subjugation council members have shown in recent years. I’ve known Kathy as a friend and neighbor for many years and can say she isn’t a ‘political partisan’ prone to taking sides without thoughtful consideration. Like many in our neighborhood I agree with Kathy that more should be done by city council members to insure that future programs and initiatives take into consideration the greater good of our current citizenry to promote a healthy and wholesome community and stop picking cherries for political friends, pay-offs and special interests.
    Paul Brous
    Hibiscus St
    ‘Old Floresta’
    Boca Raton

    • Thank you Paul for your thoughtful comment. The Special Election this August is critical to the long term future of Boca Raton. Involvement by people like you and your neighbors will dictate the outcome. I look forward to perhaps having an opportunity to meet you during the campaign. Informed citizens are the so very important….Getting the vote out for the election essential. Absentee ballots are available for those that cannot come to the polls. Thanks again, Al Zucaro 561-644-1665


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