Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County / Boca Care


    Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County / Boca Care (SAPBC) is the oldest and largest Multi-Specialty Surgical group practice in South Palm Beach County, with over 250 years of combined surgical experience. The group is made up of 12 surgical specialists offering the finest and latest treatment for a wide variety of surgical problems. Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County / Boca Care (SAPBC) was founded in 1998 by the merging of two well established Surgical Practices– Boca Surgical Associates and Surgical Associates of South Palm Beach County. For many years, the founders of both surgical groups provided their patients with quality surgical care. Today, as the result of joining practices, SAPBC is able to provide more advanced, efficient and broader coverage for their surgical patients. Quality outcomes and our commitment to constant improvement are our main goals.

    Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County / Boca Care
    670 Glades Rd
    Ste 300
    Boca Raton 33431
    NAICS:62211 General Medical and Surgical Hospitals
    Image URL

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