Terranova Gourmet Food LLC


    Gourmet Food is an exciting business born from the passion of a child enchanted to see her mother cooking, from the good cooking of a distant land (Sicily), from the attention of a mother to eating genuine things to their children, recently available to prepare something good to eat at home for your family.
    A business that grew up, with my husband’s meeting and the birth of our two kids … a fundamental key to this business.
    We have no specialties because we are always learning, growing and renewing … a bit like life.
    We love teaching our customers about new flavors and food.
    We offer a wide variety of options in our menu, all creative and artisanal.
    Our goal is to make you relax, enjoy your taste experience, pay attention to details to make your event the best. With fresh ingredients and the passion of good food, from Sicily to Boca Raton.
    We also sell our baked goods online on Etsy.com … but for those living in Boca Raton, delivery or pick up is provided.
    You can check our web site
    Come and take a look!!

    email us trgourmetfood@gmail.com
    Instagram: terranovagourmetfood

    We cook in a commercial kitchen, licensed and approved by the Florida Department of Health.

    Terranova Gourmet Food LLC
    5881 Town Bay dr
    apt 931
    Boca Raton 33486
    Image URLhttps://www.4boca.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/A66F2940-7F6B-4BDE-9614-C5CC0A944EB6_1_105_c.jpeg

    * The publisher of this website assumes no responsiblity for the accuracy or timeliness of this information. Use the information here at your own risk. It is best to confirm whether a location is actually opened or not using a secondary method: the business website, recent social media postings, texting, emailing, or verbally on the telephone.

    Please drive carefully, patiently and kindly.

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