Theresa Hart Florida Premier Realty Boca Raton


    I will provide my clients with the utmost professionalism and prompt service. I have maintained great relationships with many colleagues and professionals, whom I’ve encountered throughout my real estate transactions. It is my network of professional connections that continues to provide me with the means to market and sell property in the fastest amount of time for the highest and best price. Negotiating is one of my strongest suits. Please feel free to contact me with any and all of your real estate needs. My areas of expertise include Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Delray Beach and Boynton Beach. Let me show you all the beauty and fun that South Florida has to offer.

    Theresa Hart Florida Premier Realty Boca Raton
    102 E Palmetto Park Rd
    Boca Raton 33486
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    Please drive carefully, patiently and kindly.

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