New Houston’s Restaurant on Wildflower Site


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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The Wildflower property site at the Intracoastal Bridge on E. Palmetto Park Rd has sat vacant for years now.  The city purchased the land in 2009 for a relative bargain price of $7.5 million with the idea of adding waterfront dining to our city.  The city eventually put out a Request for Proposal (RFP). The only submission came from the Hillstone Restaurant Group (Houston’s).  Please visit the City’s website for the proposed plan

 After some time and community outcry, an additional presentation was made by Assistant City Manager George Brown and representatives of the Hillstone Group at the City Council meeting 9/9/14. The Council members voted unanimously to move forward and flesh out the presently sketchy plans in the hope of finding resolution. The following are the concerns presented by the community:

1. The best solution to resolve traffic and congestion at Palmetto Park Rd and 5th Ave.

2. They must not use or disrupt any parking from the Silver Palm Boat Ramp area just south of the proposed restaurant.

3. It was strongly recommended to add boat dockage to accommodate the boating community.

4. Make sure adequate parking is available and is based on entire dining, patio and bar space as indicated.

5. Nearby neighborhoods have asked to be included in the planning process, as it effects the traffic and safety in their neighborhood.

The City has one chance to plan this site right. One of the residents who lives in the area gave a presentation of his concerns and presented some well thought ideas and suggestions as to the best way to approach the traffic situation. Please view a 5 minute presentation of a 15 video.

 For more information please see the Sun Sentinel article by Anne Geggis written 9/10/14 on the News Article page of this website.

As an Addendum: At the City of Boca Raton Budget Hearing 9/19/14, $50,000 was allocated to evaluate the interesection of E Palmetto Pk Rd and 5th Ave. This is great and long overdue news for stakeholders who live and the area, as well as to all citizens and visotrs to Boca Raton. 

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