Newsletter…. YOUR Input Needed.

Boca Raton Newsletter

I have been collecting people’s email addresses for around a year now, letting you all opt-in. Almost 100 people from all over Boca have given me their addresses and let me know what communities you all call home. This is really cool. I appreciate being let known that you’re visiting the site and finding the information here to be valuable to you.

As you may or may not have known, I can do anything I want with this site, literally anything. I am able to program, so I create features for this site that no other sites have. The aggregation code that lets news headlines be collected easily and shown in the manner you see it on the homepage is one example. The business listing feature was another thing I developed because I have a kind of OCD when it comes to how a website positions itself to Google. So basically when it comes to a “newsletter” I’m going to do it in a manner that both packs it with the information that matters to you, Boca residents, and is automated, so it takes no recurring effort from me.

Sign Up for the Newsletter Here If You Haven’t Already.

Not Worth The Effort Before There’s a Decent Sized Audience

I’ve been doing newsletters for all sorts of businesses and organizations, weaving through domestic and international compliance issues, using email to reach audiences of all sorts, local, global, horizontal, vertical, hot, cold, inside and outside. It takes a bit of effort to get a newsletter going out, some inertia to be overcome to do it properly. Getting the wagon rolling for a smaller audience wouldn’t have made sense, but now that we’re approaching the threshold number, I’m about to make good on my promise to set up a regular newsletter, finally.

Boca’s Got a Unique Audience That We’re A Part Of

Working with Al Zucaro, managing the BocaWatch newsletter, has been really fun because it’s all about the people here, in our hometown. It’s given me a unique insight into what matters the most to us here in Boca.  Seeing the numbers, that so many people care about the stuff going on here, has gifted me with a new level of familiarity and added affection for Boca’s people.

One thing I know about Boca’s people is that they like to “les gusta abrir la boca” – they like to say what they want. I’m all ears – tell me what you think should be in the newsletter.

  • So what should be in it? What’s valuable to YOU?
  • How often do you think I should send it?Should it contain all the headlines aggregated since the last time it was sent out?
  • Should it contain job listings?
  • What about other stuff that’s not on this site already?
  • And finally….. here’s the real reason I wrote this article this morning, the $64,000 question: What if I kept the site free to access, in the manner it is now, without a paywall, but made getting the Newsletter every day a paid thing? For example, what if I started it out at something really small, like $10 a year?Would you pay that to get a semi-daily newsletter?
    What would that mean to people who opt-in, but don’t want to pay?Maybe if you didn’t pay you’d get it once a week instead?It’s just an idea.

    If I end up sending a daily-ish newsletter, I really like the idea of sending it only to people who really, genuinely value it, not just people who’ve signed up in general.

Abra La Boca – Tell me What me what YOU want.


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  1. Just joined and I’ve been living here for 5 years! Great 👍 topic, excellent articles and I will support @4Boca as I’m a Brand Influencer and can share many wellness and self-care items to share with my neighbors and community! Please message if you’d like a Part-time addition to your team! What you do is so helpful, would love to join in Jason


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