Newsmax Benches Star Who Claimed COVID Vaccines Contain Satanic Trackers


    NewsmaxConservative cable network Newsmax has sidelined White House correspondent Emerald Robinson after she made the utterly bonkers claim that COVID-19 vaccines contain a “bioluminescent” tracker linked to the Devil.In a post that has since been taken down by Twitter for peddling COVID-19 misinformation, Robinson warned “Christians” that the vaccines include “a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked,” all while suggesting to her followers that the shot was the “Mark of the Beast”—something she’s said before.Needless to say, there is no truth that the vaccines contain the luminescent enzyme luciferase, that the enzyme itself is somehow satanic, or that the vaccine could lead to biblical end times.Read more at The Daily Beast.

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