Our Waterfront – Think of the Possibilities


The adage of “A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words” could never be better illustrated than the ten concepts shown. Take a look at each and – IMAGINE

In the following weeks we invite your creativity, imagination and inspiration as it relates to WHAT CAN BE and WHAT SHOULD BE our waterfront. These ideas can be incorporated on the Downtown Waterway  Property along with our other parks and locations on the Intracoastal Waterway and link them together.

As a community we have a significant opportunity before us. Together we can create a fabulous destination of our waterfront in the downtown. Any one of these ideas may be an exciting reason to head to our Intracoastal Waterway and to patronize the businesses along the east end of our growing downtown.

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This is your land. Let’s take responsibility for what is placed on it. As shown above, it can offer a mix of venues limited only by our creativity. If the City is looking for a downtown draw, IMAGINE what this can be.

On November 8th you can vote your imagination – vote Yes on Ordinance 5356 to keep our waterfront parks available for recreation, boating, public gathering places, fun and more.

If you value this opportunity, make plans to attend Council Member Scott Singer’s Visioning Session – September 19th 6:00-8:00 PM, Downtown Public Library.

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  1. Phrases like “along with our other parks” and “to keep our waterfront parks” are inaccurate at best, misleading at worst.


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