Robert Weinroth Served Boca – Now Running for County Commission


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Robert “Bob” Weinroth was first elected to City Council in 2004. He has served in so many ways: on the CRA, as Deputy Mayor, and on important Palm Beach County boards. It’s hard not to miss him at important events – he has a special advantage that lets him show up everywhere that matters. If you want to know what this special advantage is and what he’s learned from his years of service to Boca Raton, you can get answers.

Bob Weinroth is running for Palm Beach County Commission. The election is in November along with mid-terms, so voter turnout will be high. His mailer earlier in the year, announcing his candidacy, drew some attention due to its purposely triggering use of a low-caliber self-defense rifle designed for civilians with modifications to make it look scary. While it certainly got attention, what the mailer’s goal was, it also appeared as if Weinroth was taking an anti-gun position.

Will this apparent stance polarize him and alienate voters? We’ll see. He has a lot of time between now and then to crystallize his positions and make his case why voters should choose him come November.

What are his goals as County Commissioner? What issues are going to be voted on next year? Voters want to know. As the election approaches and who the final candidates will be  becomes clearer we’ll be asking him more and more questions, hopefully interviewing him and his opponents shortly. What do you want to know? What questions about his service and candidacy can Bob Weinroth answer for you?

You can say thanks to Council Member Weinroth, hear him speak, and ask questions this week, on Wednesday, at 11:30am. Gold Coast Tiger Bay Club, Boca’s non-partisan political awareness organization, is hosting a luncheon at City Fish Market. Tickets are only $35 for first time attendees. The food is great and the company is better.

Get Tickets for the Robert Weinroth Luncheon – Click Here!

If you can’t make it, and have a question for him, feel free to ask in the comments below. Some of us on the BocaWatch team will be going to the luncheon and will try to get your question asked. If there’s a lot of questions, and we can’t get them answered there we’ll ask him to participate with us in the comments to this article below.

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  1. My first experience attending a public hearing regarding Balboa Lane, the BCC received 117 votes and 20 phone calls in opposition to Penn-Florida’s petition to abandon the right-of-way. (see my previous articles).

    We were told from the start, “it was a done deal” but we still proceeded to fight the closing of Balboa Lane to the community. The residents lost due to poor representation and 2 board members in 2015 & 2016, signed their approval over to PF without a board meeting.

    Decision was to approve the abandonment with conditions for fire access. Apparently our “voice” didn’t count.

    It was suggested I contact Mr. Weinroth, whom I never met and was running for PBC Commission, to see if he can help. Although doubtful he can change the ruling, he jumped in anyway to see what he can do. That speaks volumes in my book. Apparently PF is still focused on “golf holes” vs. our safety and convenience.

    When it comes to voting for our board of directors, I recommend people not totally base their vote on a piece of paper containing their resume, look also at their personality and kindness.

    Mr. Weinroth is now helping me locate an Attorney on a different matter. I can not afford to hire an Attorney. Anyone living in a condo who has issues with their BOD, really has no options as most can not afford to pay an Attorney. Our quarterly maintenance dues are allotted for “Legal” but the Attorney only helps the Association and not the residents.

    My question to Mr. Weinroth – where do you stand regarding “residents” vs. “developers” – but it’s obvious to me. Any further info would be great.

    Best of luck – I know where my vote will be.

    • Sandi – Our communty depends upon investment from people who are willing to develop and, in some cases, redevelop to update and ensure we continue to be a place where we want to live, work, learn, and play. That being said, the rights of our residents cannot be trampled upon by developers seeking to maximize profits at the expense of those of us who will be left to live with the results of their projects, long after they have banked their cash and moved on. The relationship between government, residents and developers requires respect from the developers for the quality of life we have. Collaboration is the key to creating a balance to protect what we have and plan for what we’ll need in the future.

      • Thanks for taking your time away from your busy schedule to answer my question – its much appreciated.

        Well stated.

        Bingo…”respect”. And that should include a return phone call and/or email from a developer to all residents addressing a problem they may have and come to a mutually agreed upon solution.

        qual·i·ty of life (noun)… the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group. “the things that are needed for a good quality of life”

        IMO, that doesn’t include “golf holes” vs. safety and convenience when it comes to an entire community. :).

        Perhaps when you’re on the BCC, you’ll convince the other members to have open ears to “residents.”

        Best of luck.

  2. How does Mr. Weinroth feel about managing environmentally sensitive lands that have been preserved in the County? Funding for the County’s natural areas program is due to run out of money in
    FY 2019. How would he suggest providing a recurring funding source to pay for the operations of maintaining those lands? I’m sure Boca Raton has, and is, facing similar challenges with funding on-going maintenance of its preserved natural area lands. What new ideas for funding this important program can Mr. Weinroth bring to the County Commission?

    • Our must precious resource (after our children) is the natural beauty of our place in the sun. It is incumbent upon our elected leaders to maintain the public lands and recreational facilities (not merely preserve them from development). Funding will be a critical issue in the coming years as competing interests (e.g., safety, security and mental health services) are funded. It’s a very big budget and we need to work diligently to spend every taxpayer dollar wisely.

  3. The recently passed sales surtax was a bandaid on the problem of the county budget not sustaining the level of services and ongoing maintenance of county infrastructure (including roads, parks and buildings). The additional pressures resulting from the costs involved of increased safety & security in light of the Parkland shootings, the ongoing response to the opioid epidemic, the critical need for expanded mental health services and a crumbling county infrastructure are all problems requiring solutions and the solutions will require money. The Commission needs to work collaboratively to address these issue. Increased efficiencies need to be sought to ensure we spend the available dollars as effectively as possible.


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