Spanish River High School Talent Show 2019


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Wow! Spanish River High School has some amazingly talented young people among it’s students. Monday night’s performances really delivered for the $5 ticket price. There was singing, dancing, guitar, piano and even a contortionist. The performers put their hearts into their acts, mesmerized the audience and had fun.

Here’s who performed and what they did:

  • Caius Pelish played guitar and sang “Yesterday” by The Beatles
  • Meagan Valliere played guitar, flute, and sang “Tiny Dancer” by Elton John
  • Jonathan Knowles performed a contortionist and dance routine
  • Victoria Muscadin performed a hip hop dance routine to a mix of several songs
  • Cate Rosenthal, Allie Lopez, and Julianna Vajda did a comedic interpretive dance
  • Jonah Monahan and Clarke Tracy played bass guitar and lead guitar, respectively, to the song “Too Young to Fall in Love” by Motley Crue
  • Samuel Graf played guitar and sang a song he wrote
  •  Andy Capriles played an electric guitar solo
  • Cameron Saslov and Mikayla Hoffman did a guitar and singing duet
  • Isabel Guevara played a Chopin piece on the piano
  • Rachel Selby sang the song “Call You Mine” by The Chainsmokers
  • Livv Haut sang “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys
  • THE SHARK BOYS did a lively dance routine.

Congratulations to the Winners!

Livv Haut won first place. Her rendition of this piece was flawless and her voice was really powerful. Victroria Muscadin won second place and Samuel Graf won third. All of the performers deserve praise and so do the judges who had a really tough job. All the performances were filled with so much soul by young people gifted with incredible talent.


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  1. Jason,
    Wonderful article about our city that has nothing to do with politics. More of this is needed for your readers. I look forward to more positive articles and thoughts from you and Boca Watch.
    Thank you,
    Michael Bell

    • I love doing these kind of articles too. It was a real treat to watch all the performers and I couldn’t help but share it with the community at large. The audience was only about half-full and more people could have attended.

      The reason I was able to cover this event was because my son was one of the performers. Otherwise I wouldn’t have gone to be honest. BocaWatch is here for the community, not just to read, but to record, celebrate and share what makes our town great. I hope other parents, brothers and sisters, write similar pieces for the events they’re privileged to attend. If we don’t capture it, then it becomes forgotten, and we leave the people of the future less to understand who we were.

  2. Well congratulations to your son for performing and you for letting the community know about what good our school system is accomplishing with a diverse student body.


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