The Boca Raton News Aggregator



def: a website or program that collects related items of content and displays them or links to them. is the news aggregator for Boca Raton, Florida. Boca Raton has many news sources online now. All of them are competing for YOUR attention, but visiting each one to learn what’s going on in Boca Raton takes time. collects all the news stories that matter the most for YOU. National examples of aggregators include The Drudge Report and Huffington Post. 4Boca is different because it’s localized to Boca. Getting your news the old way takes too much time. Getting your news the way lets you stay informed much faster.

I have to give credit where credit is due. This concept was introduced to me, first, by Dr. Robbe in Boca High. He used to make us copy down headlines, an excerpts of at least four major stories each day. He called it Top of the News. At the time it seemed incredibly annoying and pointless, so redundant. But in hindsight it was a cool way to make sure students put time into the news, and not just blow it off by reading the headlines. The reality is that most people do just read the headlines, that most folks feel OK getting the top level, as long as they know there’s a way to drill deeper down and validate it, if they can click in. There’s dozens of technologies I’ve got configured that already are competing to show me the headlines first. It’s the least I can do to share what’s commonly relevant. When I see something new and relevant to someone living in Boca I’ll put the headline and link on the homepage of this site: That’s makes this site an aggregator site, at least for now. Get it while you can. 

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