Three Councilwomen Will ‘Justify’ a Win for Boca Residents


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
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Publisher’s Comment:

Wishful thinking?  Perhaps not.  Over 200 people attended Candidate Kathy Cottrell’s Kick Off party at the Addison in downtown Boca Raton; an impressive turnout of friends and family, residents, political figures, first responders and a small army of volunteers.  Kathy Cottrell, a fourth generation Boca Raton native, promises  a ‘unique perspective’ capable of connecting the Boca of the past to the Boca of the future. With an impressive resume of corporate accomplishments, Kathy offers the possibility of continuing the residents’ initiative to change the controlling interests in Boca Raton.  From the enthusiastic reception of the gathered crowd, it seems those attending already agree.  Only time will tell but the early odds suggest that this race will provide the resident with a council majority to accomplish what we, the residents, set out to do over the past four (4) election cycles.  Next up, the Mayor’s race….win that and residents immediately have a super majority on the City Council; a super majority that insures the desired ‘resident friendly’ outcomes.   So remember…

Your vote is your voice; Let your voice be heard on August 28th in the Special Election!

Al Zucaro
Publisher of BocaWatch

Previous articleWhat’s Boca Saying? Council Candidate Kathy Cottrell
Next articleAl Zucaro Holds Kick-Off Rally at Juniors in Mizner Park


  1. This is a fantastic opportunity to break the cycle of rubber stamping “APPROVED” on every ‘supersized’ development submitted to the City.
    Boca Raton does not have to march to the same drum beat that every other over-developed city seems to Follow.

  2. I listened to the interview with Kathy Cottrell hoping to learn about her views on specific issues. Unfortunately, her responses were those of a politician trying to walk a thin line without committing herself to how she would vote on the issues. Ms. Cottrell has an impressive resume but that alone is not enough. I would like to support her but need more specifics about her views.

    • Hi Sheila, I would like to earn your support. BocaWatch will be interviewing me too, so you will have lots more specific information then. I have been a resident advocate in Boca Raton since 1998, raised a family here, run a small business, served on a City and State level, and am a founder member of Boca High’s PTSA. I would be happy to listen to what’s important to YOU and tell you about my platform. Please email me at and we can meet. Thanks for being an involved Boca Raton resident!
      Tamara McKee,
      Candidate for Boca Raton City Council, Seat A


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