Update: Traffic Study Meeting


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

The first step in public participation of a $50,000 traffic study ordered by the City Council of the intersection of E. Palmetto Park Rd. and NE. 5th Ave (adjacent to the intracoastal bridge) took place Monday, November 16th.  The downtown library welcomed a larger than anticipated crowd for the purpose of finding a better solution to the problematic intersection next to Wildflower property.

The recent building boom in downtown Boca Raton and potential development of the Wildflower property has created a sense of urgency to make traffic flow more efficiently in the area but configuration of the intersection and the surrounding area limit the options for a “grand fix.”  Nonetheless, residents eagerly offered suggestions ranging from small tweaks to traffic lanes to discussion of eminent domain and street closings.

It was a workshop format where a number of separate groups working at large tables were provided blowup pictures of the subject area so they could mark them with their suggestions.  The basic approach was to first identify problems and then offer suggestions to solve those problems.

The group, of what appeared to be more than one hundred residents, was offered guidance by Eric Czerniejewski, Director of Traffic Engineering at Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. the firm hired by the City to conduct a traffic study on the intersection which occurred this past September.

The firm will now analyze the suggestions made by residents and ultimately present their findings to the City and it’s residents and suggest what they determine are the three best recommendations. From there the City will determine a final direction. No exact date has been established for the final presentation.

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  1. We were at the meeting and while it was a bit disorganized it was very worthwhile. We spoke with one of the consultants who indicated that he observed very light traffic heading east on 5th ave from Federal Highway. We informed him that Publix has been closed to be rebuilt as the second largest in Boca at 50,000+ sq. ft. and the grand opening is 12/2/15.
    Many if not most of the residents of the barrier island shop there and the winter residents and visitors have not been around either. I hope that is taken into account.
    It was good to meet the many residents from the surrounding communities and listen to their ideas.


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