While in a ‘Visioning’ Frame of Mind…. A Novel Idea for the City Council to Consider!


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

Here’s a novel idea for our City Council as they contemplate their agenda for the next two years:  Why not take a slight pause in approval of major new construction projects until we have a plan in place for solving Boca’s traffic and parking problems, particularly in our downtown?

Not a moratorium, but a pause, to give our city leaders a chance to put in place some creative ideas for congestion relief.  A pause would also give them time to measure the impact of all of the buildings currently under construction or not fully occupied.  We won’t fully realize that impact until the snowbirds return next November.  The increase in traffic could be dramatic, particularly on Dixie, Federal, and Palmetto and in all those adjacent neighborhoods, as frustrated drivers look for alternative routes.

This is not only good planning, it is good politics.  Why pour more gasoline on the fire when Boca residents are already unhappy about overdevelopment?  Why add to the problem and approve more massive construction projects like 200 Mizner during the summer when many residents are out of town?

Developers will not like the idea of a pause—time is money, after all.  But a pause to get our infrastructure right and make Boca more habitable is better than outright rejection.  Dealing with traffic and parking first would actually open the path to more graceful and resident-friendly development in the future.  And to make the pause as brief as possible, developers could devote their considerable resources to coming up with creative solutions to Boca’s congestion and parking problems.  The City Council should be asking, “Before you build this building, how do you suggest we handle the additional traffic it will generate?” The more creative minds working on this, the better.  The quicker and smarter the solutions, the better for all of us.

It’s a win-win.  And it’s common sense.

Norman Waxman
Vice President


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  1. There is no traffic issue. You can get anywhere in downtown in 5-10 minutes. When you can get anywhere in under 10 minutes you can’t say there’s a traffic problem.

    Parking is a different story.

  2. Excuse me…it is very difficult to get anywhere within the City as the traffic is bumper to bumper most of the time. Perhaps you’re on foot!


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