Wildflower Site Tracking Chart


This article, originally published by Al Zucaro on BocaWatch.org, is preserved for historical purposes by Massive Impressions Online Marketing in Boca Raton.
If there are questions or concerns with the content please e-mail info@4boca.com.

In a recent Bocawatch article we provided some Wildflower Park future planning steps that seem to make sense. The steps range from opening the park for Boat Parade viewing on 12/17/2016 to the implementation of the park design selected from the City’s comprehensive waterfront study. Here is a link to that article:


To keep the citizens of Boca Raton informed of the progress of the Wildflower future planning steps we will be tracking and reporting on the status. We will use the following chart to depict the status on an on-going basis.


The current status is that the ordinance specifying that City-owned lands along the Intracoastal Waterway shall be reserved for recreation was approved by City voters on November 8, 2016: /overwhelming-mandate-67-yes-33-no/

As of this writing the City is preparing the Wildflower site for viewing of the Boat Parade on December 17, 2016. After Boat Parade viewing the site will be closed again awaiting the next phase, which is to plan and develop a passive park on the Wildflower site. The passive park will be an interim step until the Comprehensive Waterfront Study provides direction on the final design for the Wildflower site. The plan and development of the site from the Comprehensive Waterfront Study will most likely take a long time, so the park should be opened for citizen recreation until this final design is implemented.

Regarding land use designation changes, on July 26, 2016 the City Council voted to change the comprehensive plan map and zoning to designate the entire parcel commercial. Since the November 8th election results specify that the site is to be used for recreation, the future land use designation and zoning categories for the entire site should be changed from commercial to recreation.

BocaWatch will be tracking these tasks and milestones and will be reporting results in future status update articles. The Wildflower Park Progress Tracker will be updated weekly and included in the articles.

See letter below provided by the City’s public information officer:

Thank you for your call yesterday. I understand the public’s interest in the study and we will be providing updates throughout the process.  As you noted, there will be public input as well.

The City Council approved an agreement with a consultant, EDSA, Inc., to develop the Comprehensive Waterfront Master Plan. The link to resolution 106-2016 is below.  (September 27, 2016) That was the first step.


The second step is to create a work order with specific tasks for the consultant. This first work order will include an inventory verification, public outreach, development of a report and conceptual plan, and a presentation to the City Council. A resolution to approve the first work order is currently scheduled for the December 13, 2016 City Council meeting.  Once the work order is approved and in effect, the Municipal Services Director will provide a notice to proceed and there will be times associated with the tasks and deliverables.

Once the work order is a confirmed agenda item for an upcoming meeting (targeting December 13) and the agendas are prepared and posted, the work order will be attached as a link in the online agenda.

We will create a project page on the City’s website to keep the public up to date as we have done with the Wildflower property, Municipal Golf Course, beach renourishment etc.  We can also provide updates on social media, through the E-News and through media alerts.

I know this doesn’t answer all of your questions, but the level of detail you are asking for we just don’t have yet.  Once the consultant begins working, the timelines, schedules, public meeting details, etc. will unfold and we will be sure to update the public throughout the process.

Thanks for reaching out and feel free to call anytime.


Chrissy Gibson |  Communications & Marketing Manager

City of Boca Raton, Communications & Marketing Division
201 W. Palmetto Park Road • Boca Raton, FL 33432

P  561-393-7757   | cgibson@myboca.us


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Next articlePublisher’s Commentary: Advancing the Wildflower Site


  1. “The City Council approved an agreement with a consultant, EDSA, Inc., to develop the Comprehensive Waterfront Master Plan”
    Question: Are they any local residents employed by EDSA, Inc. working on this project?


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