Wow! 15,000 and Growing…


We are thrilled to announce that the BocaWatch Facebook-Official page has grown to over  15,000 followers!!  We are proud and excited to share this achievement.  Most importantly we would like to give thanks to YOU!

Thank you for following us, commenting, sharing and submitting articles.

Our mission is bigger than touching a few people on limited topics, our goal is to bring awareness of all things important to quality of life in Boca Raton…whether exciting news or concerning information…we encourage community dialogue.

We couldn’t do it without you.  A big thank you!  With your support we look forward to future growth.



Previous articleClarification of Competing Solar Amendments – Upcoming Ballots
Next articleIt’s a Split Decision (For Now)….


  1. In a city where too few residents step forward to participate in the affairs of our community, even to vote, it is refreshing to see the passions Boca Watch has awakened in our town. People want to know. People want to have a voice. And Boca Watch is providing both knowledge and action. Kudos to the team. And thank you for all you that you do to maintain and improve the quality of life in our fair city. #BOCASTRONG

  2. Thank you for all the reports on our ever changing and growing city. Much has changed since we moved here 12 years ago this coming month. Some of it is good and some not so good but we still love our downtown Boca Raton lifestyle.


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