You Heard It First at BocaWatch…Upcoming City Council Election


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You heard it first at BocaWatch….the voice of and for the citizens

Well, well….as we are now at the beginning of the election season for Seat ‘C’ City Council of Boca Raton, it already promises to be a heated campaign….

So what has happened….

Armand Grossman, the first to announce his candidacy, has withdrawn his name from consideration….this was the result of early fliers sent out raising critical issues as to business practices related to matters of historical perspective but still ‘fair game’ factors in any election for public office….

Jeremy Rodgers, also an early entrant to the now narrower field of three. Mr. Rodgers is making his first entry into the world of local politics with undetermined supporters and very limited campaign contributions. He has recently served on the Financial Advisory Committee here in Boca Raton. He has been heard to say he is neither the establishment candidate nor the candidate of change. His position is that he is the “FAU” candidate having graduated from there and advocates advancing Boca Raton as a location of technological prominence.

Jamie Sauer…the establishment candidate and a member of the Junior League of Boca Raton…is supported by a large swath of establishment types who she lists as her campaign committee and from whom she has accepted significant developer dollars for financial support. She enters the field as a first time candidate in local politics. She states that her goal is the betterment of Boca Raton and that she is willing take time from her young family of two children under the age of three and one on the way to participate in the never ending demands of city politics.

Frank Chapman, a return candidate, having run against former Councilman Anthony Majhess in 2012, stakes out his position in a recent mailer as “From Boca Raton For Boca Raton!” Mr. Chapman is this election’s agent of change. He is not accepting financial contributions from the developer community or any other interest group as he is self-funding the entire campaign. His positions include the notion of “Fighting Government as Usual” by not being afraid to challenge the status quo. His announced platform is for “Balanced Budgets, More Jobs, Stronger Neighborhoods and Better Schools.” A final quote from his position paper is that “It’s time for new energy on the Boca Raton City Council” and he promises to bring that energy.

On Tuesday, February 3rd, the Federation of Homeowner Association will be hosting a candidate debate at City Hall chambers….this will be the first time for the candidates to stake out there positions and vie for the hearts, minds and votes of the citizens….

Predictions…..What will they say….What will they do

Jamie Sauer will distinguish herself by taking an oath not to support further development that exceeds current limits contained within existing city ordinances. She will call for the current councilpersons and candidates to take such an oath, and, if taken, agree, that anyone breaking that oath should be subject to a recall by the citizens of Boca Raton.

Frank Chapman will also take bold action by calling for a Boca Raton “Town Hall Gathering” designed to provide citizens the opportunity to express issues of concern especially in the area of density and growth. The thesis for such a gathering is to identify and address the resentments that are “…often expressed publically but mostly disregarded by the current council…” Mr. Chapman is a trained attorney, businessman and public speaker.

Jeremy Rodgers is a bright, well-mannered entrant with extensive technology experience through his employment with IBM. His platform is one of economic development in the area of technology and education. His expected distinguishing action will be to outline the path for advancing Boca Raton as a destination of prominence bringing better jobs in the area of technology on and around the FAU campus….

It is not that I have a crystal ball but listening to what is being offered by these candidates in advance of the debate suggests a high percentage of accuracy for the above…..

Al Zucaro, Chairman

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